Wow. Just wow. This makes me sad.
Welcome the six new users. We love you
There are a million and one great reasons to be here on Lemmy, but using it to get cash from fellow users wallets is not one of them.
Welcome. We just met you and we love you
Is this to deter amplifying any organization for the second u.s. revolution?
This makes sense to me. All other reasons presented sound like wishful thinking that google is still the same company from 2005
No one bought a six figure truck with no reasonable application because they thought it was right thing to do, they did it to show how they had more disposable income than you and that they aligned with hatred. They deserve much worse than anything I see here.
The aircraft has significant security risks for sure and makes sense to cancel. But canceling the order won't be on Trump's radar unless it affects his inner circle of evil billionaires who have funneled dark money to him.
Wait. Is this satire? Like these suggested versions have been generated by running through a LLM AI?
Or maintain and drive the car you already have. There are more options then Tesla and BYD. These are probably the worst options.
Because someone else has already built it for us. It’s our duty to pass it on. And honestly it is the core of what it means to be human. Otherwise you’re a parasite who deserves what parasites deserve.
Elsevier is organized crime.