
joined 2 years ago
[–] wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

How exactly? You can't just say "better because fedi", that's a non-answer.

[–] wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 1 week ago (4 children)

You have got to be an absolute newfriend if you think that shit works at all even for 4chan itself.

[–] wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

4chan's style as a concept doesn't work too well with the concepts of the rest of the fediverse. There's no benefit to federating anonymous image and text posts across multiple servers and merging those feeds together. Especially if the content is meant to be ephemeral, why are you wasting bandwidth replicating it? Hell, with the average lemmy server's replication delay the original content would be gone before it could replicate anywhere.

There'd also be no reason for each "instance" to not be its own separate entity with no federation. It's not like 4chan really does crossposting between boards, you just can link between them.

Also, having spent far more time on the chans than is in any way healthy, there still isn't any real solution for good or consistent moderation. Federation doesn't inherently make moderation better or easier, if anything it complicates things in that regard.

Edit, additional info: Certain threads on /vg/ have been dealing with their own thread specific trolls for literal years with no mod action. Some of the threads have figured out rough schedules of mods based off what type of shit gets removed and when.

Federation is not a magical pill for better quality. I direct you to explodingheads, or plenty of other examples of shit instances documented by fediseer.

[–] wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com 0 points 1 week ago (3 children)

That's existed long before capitalism. Capitalism is a huge stain on existence, but life has always required resources to sustain.

[–] wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Plenty of hobbies have majorly bad actors. At least once a year there's someone else being outed as at best a sex pest, and often a straight up solicitor of minors, within the relatively small sphere of "people who play video games for clout" (speedrunners, streamers, indie game devs, esports folks, and assorted ecelebs).

The difference with firearms is the potential for direct loss of human life. Also important to note is that misuse is also much harder to cover up with a gun. Not like sexual harassment where if no one speaks up there is often minimal evidence to be found by the public.

But neither of those have any bearing on the amount of bad actors present. If anything they would indicate to me a lower ratio of bad actors, as fucked up as it feels to say that.

I used to have that up at my desk when I did tech support.

[–] wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Because billions is an absurd understatement, and computer have constrained problem spaces far less complex than even the most controlled life of a lab rat.

And who the hell argues the animals don't have free will? They don't have full sapience, but they absolutely have will.

Windmills of Your Mind - Noel Harrison

Or you can kill the vibes despite the song. Just start sobbing in the middle of Space Jam.

The real issue is finding a song that they might actually have that would sour the mood. GG Alin's "work" are all easy picks, but nowhere is going to have that available for karaoke (and if they do, run).

[–] wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com 18 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yeah, if you have a habit of confronting people in public when they've been assholes (and make no mistake, he was an asshole who deserves a beating), it probably would be a good idea. Or if you live in an area where these sorts of things regularly occur to you.

What possible outcome could you possibly expect from contronting someone who had done that? Just keep walking man. It sucks, but it's not like you're ever getting an apology.

Terms of Service (ToS) are regularly not upheld in court, and their terms are worded so poorly that as written, it would not be a difficult case to defeat.

The Firefox specific terms for the precompiled binary link to a more general terms page meant to be additional parts, but the additional parts they link to specify that the additional terms only apply to use of Mozilla "services" (sync, vpn, etc). The concerning shit on the ToS lies in the terms for their services.

It's a clear contradiction of scope, and unfortunately not Firefox's first fuckup of this kind. So far, with a multi decade history, none of these contradictions have been used to fuck over their users.

They already have separate terms for use of the source code. Those are what making forks, and what compiling the source yourself, fall under. They do not make any reference to the services ToS. Use of the source is not effected by any of this so far, on a technical (can the bad shit be removed) and on a legal (are forkers allowed to remove) level.

Hacker News has some deeper discussion about the finer points of the ToS mess.

And apparently Mozilla has clarified that the wording changes in their summary (not the actual ToS) are because California's definition of "sale" of information includes just communicaring it to a third party as part of normal operations support. Thanks again to Hacker News discussion of Mozilla's latest statement.

And again. 100% open source. There is no way for any functionality (including functionalitt that does that) to exist somewhere that people making forks can't modify/remove it.

So... entirely vibes based take. Maybe take some time to step away and come back later.

Spamming a doomerism opinion, when not backed up by anything but feelings, helps nobody. It's an overactive immune response. The fever worse than the illness your body is trying to burn out using it.

I get that it feels like the world is going to shit, and especially when things you thought were trustworthy start doing this, it's a blow. But this shit (repeated as fucking much as you have repeared it) makes the community, and people who need a non-corporate controlled browser, weaker and more vulnerable.

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