I had the same experience with the ice cream.
Not anymore!
Who isn't?
I can't explain, no, because I don't understand the motivation behind it.
But someone (likely a bot) has been spamming messages, allegedly from the person depicted, as "the Fediverse chick." I got my first one this morning. It arrived within sixty seconds of me making a post, so I have to guess it's targeting more active users. If you're a frequent commenter, you'll probably get one eventually, too.
I recently had to submit some PII to my employer. The person requesting that information invited me to a video meeting so that the information wouldn't easily be accessible on record.
I've been working in this field for around fifteen years. This was the first time someone in charge of handling my information has even pretended to care about it.
I tried to buy an external 20TB drive from Amazon twice. First one that came, I bought refurbished; the drive had been shucked and replaced with a 146GB drive.
Second one I bought was 20TB, but was clicking and grinding from the moment I turned it on. When I tried to initiate a return saying "drive is clicking and grinding, indicating that it's failing," their support bot helpful informed me that a clicking and grinding drive usually indicated drive failure.
They did accept the return for the latter. They also accepted a return for the former, but it took literal months and several support interactions where the (seemingly real) agents actively lied to me.
I've had okay luck with smaller Amazon drives in the past, but will have trouble recommending them for this kind of purchase in the future.
Made a website with no real info, because what could i tell the world als a 12-15 year old.
I'm in the same situation at almost forty.
Valid, but shouldn't be necessary.
I've also heard that honey helps to confer resistance to allergies to things that were in the area where the honey was made. As such, OP might be missing out on environmental defense by not diversifying.
Not Lenny!