Maybe your opinionated assertion of what’s better ought to be recognized for what it is?
Your points are salient until you start yucking other people’s yum. The person you were responding to was obviously being good natured.
Maybe your opinionated assertion of what’s better ought to be recognized for what it is?
Your points are salient until you start yucking other people’s yum. The person you were responding to was obviously being good natured.
The comics website is ass.
Is it a style choice that you go in reverse to see the next episode?
Like why am I going to the previous page to see the next episode.
Then the images just don’t load.
I wouldn’t care so much if the comic wasn’t so goddamn cute.
All of this is entirely too possible….
Who are you future man?
Part of free speech is being allowed to self censor yourself if you like.
So fucking do it if you w***.
My dude I’m just yanking your chain, I realize I didn’t put the /s on it but the arbitrary ~~27~~ 24 days isn’t ok but 31 is I had thought would be a little clue.
Sorry to shit in your cereal friend
To that end … Stamets cmon you can do better, wait 31 days at least.
Cuz all cops are bastards
I legit popped this thread open to type ohhh I wish I wish I hadn’t killed that fish
Thanks to the magic of internet brain …
Her initials being MTG I always think of the MTG ass crack meme and so she is forever defaulted as a hairy ass rack in my brain.
That’s the image of her I have.
Thank you.
The absolute degenerate
Or shoot them a quick text. It’s easy.
Only if you’re trying to ruin the day of the worker who ends up having to scrape it off.