Not too long ago, my sister went to NYC and I urged her to go to Veselka in the East Village, ten years ago I went and had an extraordinary meal, in a wonderful ambiance.
She didn't listen to me and went to the russian tea room instead. Well that was a mistake, she said the atmosphere was tepid, the waiter service drab, the food bland.
She should have listened to me. Some people are stubborn and have a worse time because of it.
Yeah but what about Limewire, then?
"What happened?"
"The new proton burped out a couple of leptons and switched back to a particle similar to the the old proton."
Then later that night, in fact nearly every night...
"this is not happening this is not happening thisisnothappening MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB LITTLELAMB LITTLELAMB...!"
Curious, in contrast I remember when they aired A Fish Called Wanda (that was a long time ago), they censored John Cleese's response to one of Otto's inarticulate verbal insult streams:
"How very interesting... you're a true vulgarian, aren't you?" as to not offend... people from Bulgaria, I guess? They might confuse the V with a B, then write strongly worded letters to the head of network programming?
Try and control those rabidly ignorant bigots you force-fed with anti-science, anti-reason raw red meat, let's see how that goes.
This is 'Murica! Muh freehdum!
First names are too chummy, endearing.
Depersonalize that sick parasite.