Welcome aboard!
Beyond calls and texts I'm very selective with my YouTube "bell" subscriptions so I allow notifications there as I generally want to watch them.
Calendar. Banking apps. That's it.
All notifications are silent and have been forever. If it's important someone will call me, otherwise I don't want my phone to interrupt what I'm doing.
The Mission 1986.
The biggest issue would be stopping sharing spares. Given the current government's proclivity for using any leverage they can get their hands on.... Well.... I'd be nervous if I'd bought them.
It's the official Ukrainian government site for donations.
Moved in with my wife fairly shortly after we started dating. I'd say within 3-4 months. It just felt right to both of us. Married 20 years now.
If you don't mind me asking, how often did politics come up with your parents?
Edit: just for my own perspective, they came up a little with my father while he was still alive and very, very rarely with my mother who I still see daily. I gently gauge the political position that my kids have but I've raised them all with empathy as a central tenet of their upbringing so that's more or less where they tend to fall as best I can tell.
I am not interested in ending up where you did and I mean that with kindness.
Doing something like that late on Friday is a deliberate tactic. It's to avoid news cycles and / or fuck with the persons weekend.
That's a really thorough answer and I appreciate it. Thanks.
Could someone familiar with house pricing there tell me roughly how many lower end houses this would amount to?
Definitely not. We're well aware what it's like being the smaller neighbour with a distinct but similar enough culture. :)
I find it so, so funny that he has no idea how much these comments cement the desire to avoid such a thing.
Complete and utter lack of tact resulting in hardened opposition to his desired goal.