
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 21 hours ago (2 children)

Question kinda related to this post.

I’m looking to get back into piracy and have been saving to build a server to handle it. I’m now hearing about these seed boxes in the cloud.

So my question is this a viable option until I build a server. Like I can set up torrents and maybe Radarr, etc. then just use my home pc for Jellyfin and connect it to the seed box? Or is the seed box mainly used to do the torrenting before you STFP the files to your actual server?

[–] 0 points 21 hours ago (1 children)

I enjoyed it.

It’s odd that you would call anything subjective overrated.

It’s a long story so I will try and bullet point it as I don’t have a lot of time to answer.

  • Mid to late thirties and I’m thinking I’m a failure at life. Think I have ADHD but never diagnosed. Had 50+ jobs to this point and I always quit or lose them for poor attendance etc, mix in a little fraud to supplement wages.
  • Apply to an insurance company and begin training. Someone I had screwed over (I am a better person now) reported me to management and they fired me.
  • decided to apply to Apple as a Christmas temp and get hired for 3 months.
  • excel at being faux extrovert and apply for Genius Bar as a Technical Specialist. Get hired.
  • Begin work at the Genius Bar where I thrive cause being a fake extrovert actually makes you happier at times, but you leave work drained.
  • Realise we have healthcare and seek an ADHD diagnosis, which I got.
  • surrounded by talented people and infinite support from management I decide to do a software development bootcamp.
  • excel at coding as I had always been interested and I am even at a higher level than the teacher and they’re blown away by my projects.
  • suck at interviews and so do another bootcamp, 😔, as this one also get you interviews.
  • excel at this bootcamp too and still suck at interviews.
  • must have gone for 30 jobs and didn’t get any.
  • start to feel down but finally get hired to a small company.
  • life really isn’t any greener over here and I still struggle to maintain happiness.
  • company I work for is excellent. All about work life balance and the work is secondary to us.
  • been 18 months. Got a pay rise after 1 year. Then 6 months later we all get a pay rise again and a reduction in hours.
  • we only work 33 hours a week now with 21 days holiday which goes up one day each year until you’re at 25 days.
  • don’t have to lie about why I am sick. If not having a good mental health day then I tell them and I am not expected to work.
[–] 10 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I already don’t use Amazon and I think I might actually have them at a net loss as I used to say things didn’t arrive back when they would do anything to make you happy.

Upvoted because everybody should stop using Amazon.

But they said they wanted to watch it in the cinema. Confused by this reply.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (2 children)

They’ll be laws against that though.

I know there are but my employer is amazing and the work life balance is great. Don’t care enough to try and change our tech stack, but I hold no ill will towards anyone who does care enough.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Yup. Software developer here for a small company. We use a Windows. Chrome for testing applications and edge is just there. We are all in on Microsoft, server is C# .Net, running on azure with teams and outlook and office.

I do use Firefox though but I’m the only one out of 7.

Chess Courts Female Players With New Busty Rook, Complete With Pink Bow

You’re not wrong 😂

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Correct. Thing they’re like triangle shape keys some of them. There was a website, which I forget the name of, that would show tips for doing stuff like this and where to get the keys from etc.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Dude you can buy keys to open this digital graffiti things and insert whatever poster you want.

If this is actually in that spot it is because someone put it in there , not by contacting the company that controls these eyesores but by being malicious in a good way.

You’re an even gooder person for this comment. 😉

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