'magick' was used by the Golden Dawn (including Alaister Crowley and MacGregor Mathers etc), and others to differentiate from stage magic.
Nature vs. Nurture is always a bit of column A and a bit of column B.
But you haven’t provided enough information.
What’s the government like other than being authoritarian? It’s possible to have a benevolent authoritarian government. Does it successfully provide food, shelter, and entertainment for the people? Imperial Rome was authoritarian but life for a Roman citizen was probably better than life for some of the ‘barbarians’ at the gates.
How does the government react to challenges to its authority? Fair and proportionally or brutally?
How do those around me, as I grow up, react to the government. Is it mostly fear and anger or contentment and acceptance?
They messed with Twin Peaks as well, insisting that Laura’s murder be solved earlier than Lynch was planning, and then of course cancelling the show leaving Lynch trying to reach some kind of conclusion.
That first series though was sublime and perfect.
Pfft. ITT kids.
Twin Peaks.
Failing Twin Peaks, then Sapphire and Steel.
It is round my house. Come on in! Love the gas, Meg, love the gas.
- Conan The Barbarian by Basil Polidouris
- Aliens by James Horner
- The Good The Bad And The Ugly by Ennio Morricone
Gladiator is good but give a listen to Mars from the Planet Suite by Holst.
Oh, man, if we could find someone on lemmy with the time, energy, and mad skills to do the same kind of race recaps that u/Alphamaxnova1 used to do I would be so happy.
I mean, if money's no object I'm sure some travel agent could put together a package deal to go to every race. That way you could experience the glitz of Monaco but also get to see some decent races.
You think they'd listen to a random brown dude who couldn't speak English?
I think you know why.
In my 30s I somehow became very attractive to women and got laid a lot.