You asked for a kiss, you get a kiss. That's rude to refuse.
Strike that. Let's try "What can America learn from your country to become a better nation?"
The value of human life and life in general.
If a foreigner comes to my country and suffers any ailment or accident, they receive treatment because life is understood as an absolute value. This implies that paying taxes goes towards creating a safety net that nobody really wants to rely on but is thankful to have when misfortunes happens.
I recognize that quote. And that one is a classic.
Original My Little Pony imagery! I see, I upvote.
Dumb shit but fun shit.
Is this the same person that recalibrated his stance on imposing another sanctions package to Russia, after seeing how things were developing in the US?
This guy and all like him need to be housted and their political parties disolved.
This genius ancestors must be rolling in their graves...