
joined 1 month ago
[–] pulsewidth@lemmy.world 1 points 2 hours ago

Nah it's all good - it's confusing because federal-level hate crime and Anti-Nazi laws came in recently also (last month). Those are all mandatory minimum prison sentences though, no fines.

[–] pulsewidth@lemmy.world 3 points 2 hours ago

I cordially invite Elon to come to Melbourne Australia and flip his favourite salute.

Its a significantly more painful $23,000 fine there, and if he does it repeatedly there's a good chance of a 12 month prison term.


P. S. If my maths is right he can do it almost 15 million times before he runs out of money, I might have to email Vic gov to ask them to review the fine to be wealth-adjusted.

[–] pulsewidth@lemmy.world 2 points 2 hours ago

Do you know how you stop 'edgy teens' from becoming actual Nazis?

You show them consequences for their incredibly disrespectful and obscene behavior.

This kid obviously hasn't has enough consequences in his life, and will now get to experience some.

[–] pulsewidth@lemmy.world 2 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

Only in one state of Australia, Victoria. Worth mentioning.

[–] pulsewidth@lemmy.world 12 points 2 hours ago

Remember that Pewdiepie arranging, paying for, and posting separate videos of people holding signs saying "Hitler did nothing wrong", and "Death to all Jews" were just jokes bro. To an audience of literally tens of millions of kids.

And people here still Stan for him. I'll take my downvotes now.

[–] pulsewidth@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

I'd much rather use a password and a two-factor auth via TOTP code. It's fast, portable, I can store them on a variety of open source apps, and it's very hard to hack. I don't need to use a specific provider, or browser. Flexible and free.

Passkeys in their current implementation are comparatively a mess. Here's an article that runs through many reasons why:


[–] pulsewidth@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Ah that is probably my bad then, I read it as being able to redirect arbitrary URLs, hence the need for geoblock and abuse protections - if it's only your own self-hosted/personal domains then yeah that absolutely makes sense.

[–] pulsewidth@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

Can I ask - why would anyone do this? Several URL shortening services of the past have shuttered and it has left the web littered with links to sites that can never be resolved (linkrot) - this to me just seems like a another surefire way to speedrun future deadlinks in forums etc. Why?

Edit - I have misunderstood the assignment.

This is targeted at self-hosted/personal-domain stuff only, not general internet site URL shortening/redirection.

[–] pulsewidth@lemmy.world 7 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

No, 'China bad' because many many examples of China bad. Such as the topic of this post.

The whole "you can't criticize China because you're from a country that also does bad things" is logically worthless. It's the appeal to hypocrisy fallacy.

Not sure if you realize this but China is also ruled by a kleptocratic billionaire class that loots the working class even moreso than the US, so i'm not sure why you look up to them - China has more billionaires and a much larger wealth divide than the US. Actions speak louder than words and while Xi and the CCP often talk about cracking down on thier ultra-wealthy, they don't really do much - couple billionaires might disappear occasionally though if they don't praise the party line publically. One thing is for sure - I don't see any elite CCP party members that are not also very wealthy. And it's everyone else that's propagandized 🤔

[–] pulsewidth@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

It isn't on the default port either, it's on a random high number port which is why I thought it was extra odd they found it.

[–] pulsewidth@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

It isn't on the default port either, it's on a random high number port which is why I thought it was extra odd they found it.

[–] pulsewidth@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

Like the other commenter said, I dunno how the heck the griefers find the servers - but if it's on the open Internet, they do.

I set up a server for me an a handful of mates - advertised the address nowhere. They told nobody. A month in a friend and I were playing as usual, and a player with a Russian username joined. I'm like "uh hi who are you?". They stayed another minute or two while saying nothing, then left.

I think they left when they realized i had an anti-griefer permissions mod that protects the blocks in an area around the spawn point from being modified (its called 'Flan'). So they joined, saw the server had some protections, and decided it wouldn't be much fun for them.

Whitelist immediately enabled - no more random Russians.

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