Why the sudden rise? Actually bonkers
I thought business did alright
I'm surprised bazzite broke
$134? Actually insane
Well 2g is good because it reaches be further doesn't it? Say if you're in the wilderness, there's a slim chance 2G might work
I mean she's alright. Find her extravagant outfits weird though. Bit like contemporary art. Don't hate her though
I'm more curious about donating cum
Currently an intern in IT getting paid 17/hr. Pretty much everybody is telling me I'm getting paid shit. However, I'm very inexperienced, even though I'm taking comp sci classes, I don't feel nearly knowledgeable enough or productive enough to justify getting paid more.
Eventually I hope to be some server admin or some kind of security analyst. Maybe I'll jump ship after a year or two but so far, any experience is good experience for me.
If you guys have any career advice lmk.
That first half sounded cool. Then I reached the latter half... Really hope you the best in your recovery.
That would be incredibly slow
I right click to extract my zips on linux. Sure I can also go into cli to do it but you can have both