If people get fed up, they just create another community under the same name somewhere else. This happened with 196 recently.
A friend of mine spent roughly 50k€ on weed over the past 10 years
It's kind of a fashion trend, and internet porn made such a fashion trend possible by making it visible to more people. At least if you look at it that way, stark differences in behavior and opinion between generations seem completely normal.
Yes, it's Tuesday. Martedì in Italian, mardi in French. Originates from the Latin name diēs Mārtis, the day of Mars
by that logic xkcd is bad
That’s called being straight
Doing a PhD. One more year and then I’m free again…
Your fingers stop hurting within two weeks. Absolutely no reason to do it
Read How to win friends and influence people. Not reading books has nothing to do with staying true to yourself, especially if it’s just general guidelines and not step-by-step instructions you try to replicate.
Just realized the romance languages have both a weekday and a month for Mars
I think most people use them interchangably, I call myself bi due to it being a more well-known term and the flag being prettier
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