Completed a torrent I was downloading for almost 2 years by adding trackers from this list. It helps!
All my life, I've watched the US slide. But it's crazy it's falling apart right now. Seems surreal for some reason.
I care about Americans and America. There are many good people, who care about me, and us. They deserve to thrive in a secure, prosperous country. I don't want to discount a nation just because of the idiots.
I love the African philosophy of ubuntu: 'I am who I am, because of who we all are'
I never did a DNA test but both my parents did... How screwed am I?
Looks like Kim Jong Un in his profile pic
Seems to be a cultural thing. Here in Canada I see mL and L most often for drinks.
One quirk of metric I have taken a liking to recently, is in Japan, apparently they measure their object dimensions in mm. 'The size of one sheet of Letter paper in mm is 279.4mm x 215.9mm.' I don't know why, but for some reason I like this.
I went to the states a couple years back. Went to a tavern and was deciding on a beer. Bartender overhears I'm Canadian and tells me the size of the pints in decilitres 🙄
For what it's worth, I'm pretty comfortable with FL oz from reading soda cans and stuff. I just find it crazy how unintuitive metric is to some.
I appreciated his effort, I just thought it was funny
It's funny but it hurts
USA 'land of the free'
I really hope the fediverse takes off, so the shittiness of these huge platforms goes away. Imagine the end of data harvesting, targeted ads, monetized outrage etc.
Think of how much more efficient things will run! /s
They're all great, I lol'd