oh wow, I got it totally reversed. Your brother is a maniac! At least he is up front with the level of abuse he is about to give his partner...... I hope she is has enough will power to walk away from him
She included the solution
Just give up
Red flags, walk away
Don't escalate, he is home all day and has more time to escalate.
Talk nicely, make a friend, move are all good options.
Sure you'd see a general increase in net worth, but it would be exactly matched by the inflation of raising everybody's net worth by the same amount.
If you look at the places where they treat it like a business, they release the hostages so they can continue doing the business. If you start killing the hostages, or not releasing them, your next victim won't pay. What's the point?
Are you planning on setting up a kidnapping business?
You better release the hostages, or you can only do this once. If you want a recurring business model people have to have confidence you will keep your end of the bargain
Depends what your goals are.
If you want to make sure every person has access to a little bit of gold? Yeah go for it
If you want to make everyone a little bit richer? No it won't change anything, you've just raised all boats by the same amount. There's no relative difference, it won't have any impact on the economy
GPS depends on a friendly spectrum. I suspect the FCC is preparing for a war where GPS will be jammed, faked, or destroyed.
The key is defense in depth. Don't trust anything more then you need to. Even if your router is compromised the hosts should be hardened, the traffic should be encrypted, etc
Unless there is a compelling feature, or security issue, there is no rush to upgrade. Let the bugs get ironed out
Ha, i have zero social media footprint other then lemmy... I've had identically named people cause some confusion with HR before....
How hot is your brother?
Are the GFs just one night stands that kinda don't end?