
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago

No you're right, the hardlinks themselves are not directional. I just misunderstood the advice as meaning that Radarr would create a hardlinked file in my torrent folder, using the existing file in my media library. (It will not)

The part that was tripping me up was that it seemed like I had to manually add the movies to Radarr's library before it would let me import any of my torrent files. Otherwise it would give me an error saying the movie was unknown.

I think I'm starting to get the hang of it though.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Thanks, that makes sense.

I've been going cross-eyed staring at the Trash guides and Servarr wiki trying to get hardlinks and all the file paths working correctly (stupid simple fix in the end), so a little nudge in the right direction is appreciated.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Sure, that would get all the torrented content into radarr quickly, but I guess I should have stated that my intent is to continue seeding that content from the qbittorrent client on my media server.

Unless radarr is somehow smart enough to hardlink the opposite direction (from the media library back to torrents folder) and let qbittorrent know that content is ready to seed....?

[–] 6 points 4 days ago

I imagine there is something like this in a lot of languages, but it's always amused me that Bulgogi (Korean BBQ beef/pork) translates literally to "fire meat"

I'm happy to learn Finns have a similar word!


For background, i have a few hundred torrented movies that I have been downloading to / seeding directly from a folder structure set up for Plex/Jellyfin. Media library is a mix of ripped and downloaded content. Till now I have been using a client on my desktop to manage the files on my media server, but now qbittorent and radarr live on the media server where they should be.

I struggled for a bit to get qbittorent and radarr set up and hardlinking properly, and am now ready to start migrating all those torrents into the proper location. What I'm doing works, but it feels like I'm doing something the long way.

Here's what I'm currently doing:

  • Move torrent from media library to torrent folder
  • Copy/paste torrent link from desktop client to media server client and verify that it's seen properly
  • Add movie(s) in radarr, but do not tell it to begin searching for it
  • Select Manual Import / Interactive Import
  • Check the appropriate media file(s) and allow radarr to Import them to the movies I just added.

If that's more or less the best way to do it, I will chug through since it seems to be working. It just seems like adding the movie before importing is superfluous, since radarr has no problem matching up the media file the correct movie once it has been added.


[–] 14 points 4 days ago

I mean, it tracks with their view of the Ukraine situation as well.

It also tracks with the general conservative mindset that the "in group" is protected by laws, but not beholden to them; while the "out group" is beholden to laws, but not protected by them.

Which all tracks with having the mindset of a toddler, free of any shred of empathy, where, until proven otherwise every other person in existence is by default just an NPC without agency or self-determination.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Same here... vague memories of him sketching Homer and pointing out the easter egg maaany years ago, but I've never seen anyone else before now!

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)


[–] 14 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Upvoted for including Matt Groening's initials!

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

So maybe consider channeling that boredom into something productive instead of tearing down something you don't like, that has zero tangible impact on your life.

Anyway, you're right this is not a great interaction, so take 'er easy.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

I mean, you replied twice to my comment, to let me know you weren't worked up, so....

Also stating

passivity in the face of decline has always been the preferable option. Protecting our sacred decorum is so much more important than maintaining a critical eye and standards

makes me think you're taking it pretty damn seriously lol

[–] 13 points 1 week ago (8 children)

"Why can't everyone else just hate the same things I hate!?"

Imagine being this worked up about a webcomic, shitty or otherwise.

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