Their version of free speech is to prevent you from contradicting the lies they continuously spew and then paint your rebuttal as an attack on their rights to spew them. They’re the victim of leftist propaganda.
Dude, do I really need to pedantically qualify my question with “I would like a list of manufactured devices produced for sale with the chip already integrated, not hobbyist or ersatz devices in limited quantity? Nobody needs that, and a reasonable person would understand I’m not interested in what joe schmoe built in is garage.
C’mon, it’s like you’re looking for an argument. No shit we can’t have a list of every device based on your criteria, but we can reasonably expect to know what manufactured large-run devices do have it, and I think that’s a reasonable take on my question.
$100k chicken coop. I love it.
So your argument is what? We shouldn’t have a list because the chip is user friendly?
Or you can aggressively tailor them. I still use FB because I enjoy several industry and hobby groups there. With a few FF plugins and proactively closing any ads, FB is completely usable and enjoyable.
Any social media you can’t control like this is definitely problematic, but I haven’t explored too many other platforms to see if they can be tailored. I did abandon Threads because it’s a right wing toxic troll hellhole with a shitty design, so some can’t be “fixed”.
Wow. Ok, some more brand name devices are starting to be named. Still mostly consumer IOT like bulbs and smart plugs. Thanks for the update. I can see one device we own.
Reddit has gone full fascist. Wow. Never thought I'd see the day.
Thanks, that's a pretty short list - as you said it's limited.
Yeah, I caught the ESP32 part and tried to search for what devices these chips were built into, but couldn’t find one. I was curious how widespread the flaw was - as in, what consumer or infrastructure devices they might be in.
I couldn’t find a list of devices. Anyone else find one?
If you back out the view to 6+ mo. it matches the overall decline of the market in general. You could grab many stocks and ask the same question and it would be correlation, but not any cause by the particular company.
TBF, Russia still has elections. Just no chance of Putin ever leaving.