Every Republican in Congress that isn't speaking up (so all of them) are literal traitors to our nation. And we're paying them to be traitors.
Assuming we correct course and stop our spiral into authoritarianism in 4 years, we're going to have to completely rebuild our entire federal tech infrastructure. It simply can't be trusted after these traitors. The possibility of backdoors is simply too high. It's going to cost billions and billions of dollars.
We're all going to need new Social Security numbers, because this dumbfuck now has them all on his private servers.
Another day, another reason to be happy we're here instead of there.
P.S. I've been here since November and I've definitely seen an increase in users since then.
Family has to earn and maintain your respect just like anyone else.
If they degrade the quality of your life, it's ok to cut them out to help your own mental health. If they care about you they'll learn to respect you for who you are...as long as you're not hurting others with your decisions.
You're so young I don't even know what to say other than if you know he's your person then you and he need to sit down and hash out a plan to move into your own place together as soon as humanly possible. Like, within months you need to find a space for you and him to exist in together without others.
You're already trying to manage a relationship while really really young, and I won't get into why that's extra challenging. So having someone else around all the time, whether it's family or roommates, is just not helpful.
You won't know if this is going to last with your partner until you both have a space of your own. And since you're married, you need to figure out whether it's going to work out sooner than later.
Side Advice: You are 16. You are going to change significantly over the next 10-15 years. You need to feel confident that your partner is going to be with you no matter how much you both morph during that extremely transformative time.
Being poor and living on the edge paycheck to paycheck taught me that there are a whole lot of things you can live without that you didn't think you could.
You can literally cut all subscriptions out of your life and eat nothing but groceries you buy cheap at a food co-op and you'd be surprised how ok you are.
There's a LOT of fat you can cut out of your life. And it makes things simpler and simple is peaceful.
Nah loser.
You don't seem to understand.
You made obscene statements and are now refusing to back them up, because you're wrong AND lazy.
I didn't make dipshit statements.
You did.
Back them up or continue being the clown loser you already are.
So you're openly admitting you can't support any of the ridiculous statements you made?
The powers that be at Reddit are snowflaking HARD.
Nobody actually wanted this.
They voted directly for it, fool.
I guess with their support for a live-streamed genocide
That's a pretty glossed over way of telling us you don't understand global politics and why America isn't going to alienate their most important ally in the Middle East. A country expressing displeasure with the way their ally is interacting with another nation but remaining their ally because of the geo-political importance is not "blue MAGA (lol)" starting WW3. Nothing about America remaining allies with Israel starts WW3.
Full-throated support for a proxy war that threatens to turn nuclear with Russia.
Lol. You mean America supporting a democratic nation that was invaded by our greatest adversary so they can use their soldiers to prevent us from using ours to stop Russia from expanding their borders and their influence? Not only is that helping not start WW3 because we don't have to get directly involved with Russia, but no one is going nuclear because it doesn't benefit anyone.
Threatening hot war with China throughout the Biden admin.
Source your statements. No one is just going to believe you, especially after saying things like "blue MAGA".
Escalating tensions with the DPRK
Source your statements.
backing a coup attempt in South Korea.
Source your statements.
Continued support for destabilization of leftist countries in South & Central America.
Source your statements.
Honestly, I'm not going to keep saying it. You keep making wild statements you expect us to take your word for. Source every statement you said or I can't take you seriously. You just typed a lot of words to condemn Democrats for their handling of foreign affairs while 100% utterly and completely declining to acknowledge Republican's categorical destruction of our relationships with virtually all our allies over the course of a single month.
It's pretty obvious you're a shill.
And stop saying "blue MAGA". It makes you look ridiculous.
I always just immediately created a new account as soon as I was banned, even if it was just temporary. Reddit accounts are meaningless now.
Then I got tired of doing that and came to Lemmy. Problem solved.