I shall henceforth refer to the lavatory as The Temple of the Log until the day I draw my dying breath.
Nice Tube
(I know it's two but it just seems to fit here...)
Bland Guardian
Beach Goys
Electric Gizard
You also can take the lazy and cheap way out, transfer some files to a flash drive or external hdd and plug it in to the console/tv, most have USB ports now.
I got this one too!
Tbh, my conservative friends always hated (or at least dislike) him, but unfortunately my friends aren't in control of the party lol.
My leftist friends hated Biden, too. Nobody's happy in my circles, and none of us control more than a thermostat. Que sera sera I suppose. And it keeps rolling on.
Personally, I just want to walk near the creek and chill with frogs and snails and shit, then go home to my cat. It's nice out today.
Thank you! That was it! It was bugging me lol.
I do, but that may be because iirc it was fake in cannon. It's been a long time but as I recall he built the rhino as a sort of hunting blind, I don't remember why well but I think it was to observe/photo animals.
I feel you, like, I don't feel like people think I'm creepy in conversation, but then I'm told that due to my gender I am automatically creepy just because other guys are, and I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable just for asking for a coffee date to get to know each other if she's so inclined.
The solution to me is clear, watch King of the Hill again and make a frozen pizza.
Well of course cat pics are inescapable lol (except I don't post em online because background, but irl people can see it, there's nothing bad it's just identifying.)
Though work isn't the place for me to look, it's all married couples and olds (I am an old but I mean like 2x my age, not exactly looking for someone my dad went to school with y'know?) And I can't just be all "hey cute lady at the store you wanna see a pic of my cat doing cute shit? Here come back to my house and pet her!" That's worse than "hey I think you seem neat wanna go get some coffee and see whats up?" lol. I'll get the cops called on me that way! No, it's much safer to just say "hey how's it going" and keep on with my day, I'm told no women want to be asked out in public, and I don't want to be labeled a creep at some place I regularly patronise for asking someone out for coffee, so I'll just keep my thoughts to myself.
Hell back when I was banging it didn't matter, but they did ask, so we thought it did matter and we all lied. I think my ol' AIM acct thinks I'm like 85 now.