Reminder that batteries are not "dead" until they cannot be used for anything anymore. Just because the voltage isnt high enough for that motorized kid's toy doesnt mean it wont work in a remote or some other lower voltage application. So many batteries get tossed when they still throw a good 1.4 v.
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Even if you personally disagree with the business, given the current tarriff war, we should still be buying Canadian or encouraging others to buy Canadian.
Yeah I think people are missing the point here. If its an option to buy batteries from a Canadian company, why not?
This is the way.
Yeah you don't need to over pay on batteries to recycle them just take them to your local recycling center... GREENWASH
I don’t know a single person that takes their batteries to be recycled though
I'm in PEI and most grocery stores have a battery recycle bin.
We don't use many non-recharge batteries, but we drop whatever dies in the bin.