The chocolate end product is mixed in Europe, hence European chocolate. Thats all Im getting at. Not trying to he rude. I just am not sure what youre saying.
Chocolates means the final product.
Chocolate is the base ingredient.
So the chocolates come from Europe but yes, the chocolate does not.
Im hoping we start trading with you guys more in the future. I think right now we dont export a lot of finished goods to Europe. I suspect most are raw materials.
Canada is primarily a resource economy because we have a lot of natural reaources and the infrastructure to move them.
Manufacturing and finished goods, less so. So maybe check into what companies use Canadian materials if youre interested in supporting Canada.
The odds of Canada joining the EU are technically non-zero but pretty damn close.
We defnitely need closer EU ties, but joining the EU probably isnt gonna happen.
It wasnt very good tbh.
Excuse me but we had moose maple chips once.
All these Europeans seeing train stations while us North Americans wish we had train stations.
One Degree makes somes. Ive used their oats before. They source from farmers all over the world but are a Canadian owned company.
My pizza was made in Germany. Which is fine but strange. Thats a long way for a frozen pizza to travel.
Americans dont get to weigh in. Sorry, Charlie-boy.
Youd be fine. Might get a chirping from some old timers but nothing drastic. Just dont be an ass and youll be fine.
I like how tue CBC quotes PP and then immediately fact checks him.