As a past tax accountant.
I don't believe a straight tax will get the job done. Taxation is too unpopular to be realistically effective, and will just have corners cut in very easy and direct ways. Mainly because the masses are too stupid to understand how taxes work. I have had countless times people ask me a tax question after knowing I work in tax, I'll answer their question, and the answer is the same thing every fucking time no matter if its a friend, coworker, family, etc. "No that is wrong, what I think is correct actually". It is infuriating.
I think there are three effective ways to tackle wealth inequality.
Give workers ownership along with their wage. The 'owners' will of course have a bigger cut than the workers, but the current hoarding of ownership is what I think the key issue is. Our idea of ownership is the root cause.
Lobbying/bribes. We all know why this is bad, but it happens. Until this is fixed wealth inequality will never be fixed.
Loans. It is so easy for the wealthy to receive a good deal on a loan. Only because they already have money and the loan is not necessary. We need to limit loans on people who already have one successful business. Why are we allowing people who have prospered receive more money without more scrutiny? That is the definition of greed. As long as their BS and IS look okay to a bank, they will get approved with little to no follow up.
Distributions. In the US, when filing as a S-corp, they will receive no income tax. This is because they are then required to have the owners be paid a 'fair' wage to themselves. Why? Because payroll taxes are more compared to income taxes in this scenario. Problems arise when owners will obviously abuse what is a 'fair' wage. Lets say an owner gives himself a 30k wage because that is what is 'fair'. There is nothing stopping him from withdrawing 100,000 in contributions a year, and distributions are tax free with literally no oversight. The only checks and balances for this is they might have a basis issue later in life, but honestly that is a pretty small fine for essentially having all the tax free income they want as long as their biz is doing good.
*This is based off my experience as tax accountant/consultant for small businesses with less than 20 employees 2 years ago. Tax laws have changed since then.