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The 2 biggest demographics of growing gun owners are women of color and trans people.
The idea that we should disarm the working class to further concentrate weapons in the hands of militarized forces who are known for abusing their power with impunity is just moronic.
I think the 50501 movement is more tepid centrist neo liberalism and thats the last thing we need here. We need real leftism. You dint fight the far rught with the right leaning center you fight it with leftism. And karl marx one of the fathers of modern leftist thinking said it best/“ any attempt to disarm the workers should be frustrated by force if necessary” the government acting like a nanny state and prohibiting things deemed dangerous by those at the top is never effective. Drugs and alcohol prohibition onky made things worse except for those profiting from exploiting prohibition
Yes, Dems need to give up on gun control. My wife and I are lifeling Dems and just bought each other handguns and range time for valentines day. We feel we will be needing guns
As an American the idea of living somewhere where gun violence isn't part of the background noise of society sounds idyllic. But the cops have guns and are all too gleeful to use them. And the neonazis and right wing militias are armed to the teeth. And so I should have a gun too so there's a chance that some of them face consequences.
But we need to remember what our aim is when it's all done because guns did help us get here
Agreed. I was never into gun ownership until MAGA. I just realized how stupid and evil people in the US are. My state happens to have very VERY loose gun laws, nearly wild west level actually, so I will just take advantage of those laws as a deterrent.
Gun control doesn't mean no access to guns. Things like violent offenders or people who have been medically determined to be unfit not being able to buy guns counts as gun control. If you think it should be illegal for domestic abusers to own firearms, you are for gun control. Now, you may not think there is an effective way to have proper gun control and not affect your freedoms, but that's a different thing.
The way it works in the UK - very well by the way - is that simply being caught with a gun is enough to get you thrown in the slammer. Consequently crims don't go around armed, and for the most part the police don't need to be armed either. It was a real shock to me the day I walked through Heathrow and there was a pair of armed officers walking around; I think that's the first and only time (off-screen) I've ever seen a gun. If the police need armed backup then they have to call for a specially trained squad.
The only other armed units are the Services. We don't have any "militarised forces that abuse their power", afaik.
Guns for sports are allowed but there are extremely strict regulations around them.
Shootings here are extremely rare. Of course they still happen, no solution is 100%, but it's close, and a hell of a lot closer than the bizarre American fetish that the ultimate solution to gun violence is more guns and more guns and more guns, absolutely flying in the face of all the facts.
That Onion article entitled "No way to solve this, says the only country with this problem" is spectacularly on point.
Extremely strict regulations means the rich can have them freely and poors have to jump through multiple hurdles.
The working class should never be disarmed.
works great in australia too! so now you have 2 examples in real life that prove that argument invalid
I would rather bring back the days of the wild west where everyone had a revolver on their hip than go to a point where only the wealthy the police and other state sponsored actors sre permited to have weapons. “Any attempt to disarm the workers should be frustrated by force if necessary”
Whatever you want to believe meanwhile you all across the pond and down under still bow to monarchs and are taken to a court if you protest during coronation so keep believing that youll be just as free without the means to defend yourselves from tyrants when you’re already living in a full on class dictatorship and lacking any sense of true freedom to begin with.
America is a class dictatorship, too, just with more shootings. How many people who aren't millionaires are making decisions in the White House? Why is the president, a felon, allowed to run, let alone be elected? How many times have charges or convictions been wildly different for the rich versus the poor and middle class?
Your desperate clutching of guns without restriction, no matter how obvious those restrictions should be there, is utterly absurd and has yet to be used for the purpose the second amendment is purported to exist in spite of the numerous times it would make sense. (Are you okay with domestic abusers being allowed firearms? That's gun control.)
Did drug prohibition work? No it didn't the black market will always exist and prohibition serves to increase demand and further the disparity between the wealthy and the poor.
rich people will always have guns. But sure take them away from poor people so you can sleep better in your delusional sense of security so when someone gets their hand on a gun youll be defenseless and even if the gun fell out of their hand in a struggle for your life you would still be defenseless because you're clueless and definitely have no idea how guns work.
Its funny people make this out to be a political policy issue that conservatives support when conservatives were the first ones to pass a bill restricting gun ownership. And then the people who want to take away guns consider themselves leftists what a joke, youre not leftists you’re neo liberals who have been deluded into believing the left would ever stand for the disarming of working class people.
Right now they are trying to ban “assault weapons” or anything with a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds in my state and luckily that it is so very unpopular even though my state is a blue no matter who very progressive state. Ever since the united healthcare ceo was shot i think many people with true leftist leaning sentiments see that taking away guns from the laborers is a stupid short sighted thing to do.
Cars kill more people than guns, are you going to support the banning of personal transportation too? Guns will always exist, you cant nerf the fucking world and advocating to do so id so childishly asinine it’s ridiculous beyond compare. I’m sure thst making it so that police and rich corporatists are the only ones with guns will make you feel a whole lot safer if you just stick your head in the sand in regards to extrajudicial murders of civilians by police. Lets just make them even more powerful!!!
Your defense for why people should have guns is happening right now, and yet all those guns aren't being used to solve the problem. So clearly guns aren't the whole solution. But keep clinging to that hope that guns will solve all those problems you list, while ignoring all the problems unfettered access to guns cause.
As for your spurious prohibition comments, both drugs and cars are regulated. So are you saying gun control is a good idea or not? Pick a fucking lane please!
Youre trying to advocate for the disarming of people so clearly you think that regulating guns the same way vehicles are (everyone over the age of 16 can buy them and have them) is not adequate.
And some drugs are regulated but the drugs that are prohibited are not regulated which exacerbates the issues regarding drug use that are politicized and manipulated to maintain prohibition at all costs.
We need to regulate police more than we need to regulate guns. As in we need to switch the standard thst it takes 8+ years of training to practice law but only 6 months of training to enforce it while armed. And those hired to be police are specifically chosen for their lack of intellect and willingness to blindly follow orders. But sure lets disarm the general public and concentrate firepower further into the hands of the class traitor attack dogs for the 1%
Now maybe if our society had not been relentlessly attacked from every angle by a covert fascist plot to kill education standards, turn the media into propaganda dissemination tools that benefit the established power structure and erradicate the progress of civil and labor rights advocacy to move backwards towards enslaved laborers as quickly as possible, maybe we would have a population that wasn't full of morons so afraid of guns that they believe the only option is to take away their neighbors rights to own and carry guns. Maybe if we trained people on weapons safety from a young age maybe if it was necessary to own a gun to eat meat instead of relying on corporate capitalist consumerism to buy packages of dead animal flesh packaged after the mass industrialized slaughtering of livestock maybe then our society wouldn’t have devolved into fascism. But instead your parents and their parents were mostly all morons who didnt figure out the glowing talking box they spent the majority of their leisure time staring at was actually a weaponized propaganda dissemination tool being used to pacify the working class and render them helpless and dependent upon industrialized consumerist infrastructure to the point where so many people stupidly share your attitude that guns should be taken away because people cant be trusted with them. Well to that i say let the police and militaries of the world be the first to disarm themselves.
I mean you’re probably someone who isnt informed or intelligent enough to understand the government is lying about inflation and that all capitalist nations in decline have manipulated economic data to their advantage in an attempt to downplay the true extent of inflation and currency devaluation to prevent a revolution for as long as possible. Im pretty sure if more people knew the truth as i do they would not feel the way you do and instead be more than happy to get the pitchforks and torches(or guns in todays day and age) to demand whats rightfully ours from the billionaires who have looted the working class for 5+decades. Regardless of why it hasnt happened yet (societal manipulation through the normalized consumption of weaponized media dissemination) it will happen someday hopefully sooner than later and when that point comes you better hope the guns haven't been seized from the working class because the lives of your children or your children’s children will get much worse at exponentially increasing speed from here on out. But i guess so long ss youre pacified and comfortable what does it matter 🥴
Please find one sentence where I've said the public in general should be disarmed. What I have said is background checks are gun control, or that violent offenders shouldn't have access to firearms, or that the guns the second amendment allows have never been used for that purpose in the history of America since it was founded. But keep arguing with the statements you imagine I made. And if things are as bad as you believe they are, why aren't you exercising your second amendment right for its intended purpose?
okay i’m pretty happy over here without guns and i hope to never ever ever be close to one in my life
people are crazy and i don’t want people around me to have access to that ever
that’s correct - i’m 100% certain the police will not shoot and kill me
the power imbalance is kinda the point… there’s no good reason for the cops to pull their gun, so it’s a big deal when it happens… a few years ago the cops drew their service weapons and fired a taser in the middle of the melbourne CBD and it made national news
drawing a gun, let alone firing 1 is just so incredibly unnecessary that it’s a huge deal if it ever happens, whether it’s warranted or not… there’s literally no excuse - it’s just so unlikely that it’s “self defence” that “i thought they had a weapon” is never valid… there’s paperwork involved any time a gun is drawn, and way more any time 1 is fired
it’s not an implicit trust, it’s removing excuses as an option and trust that the country takes anything gun related extremely seriously… most aussies i know have a similar feeling toward guns as i do - what the fuck, this scares the shit out of me, because guns should be scary, and we don’t want them anywhere around us - police included
big “‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens” vibes there
do you always revert to xenophobia and personal attacks when someone shows a different point of view?
Your police need guns because everyone has guns. Remove guns from the population and the police won't need them either. Our police would need guns too if the population were armed.
Take the guns off the population then you can disarm the cops too, because they won't need them.
I'm not being shortsighted, I'm trying to show you a different way that is proven to work.
No part of my post is arrogantly telling you how to run your own country.