it's a bit dark. 99.9 of what i write gets deleted
sorry i did try to pretend McKinsey doesn't exist. First I heard of them was pete butigieg.
Look, being gay and married is the most pro family values position conceivable
shit no i shouldn't pretended. i do NOT want to learn more. but yes, thanks for the link.
ron desantis is the guy who sues disney for some fucking reason
andrew tate is the guy who sold an online university centered around being a rapist.
scratch that, andrew tate is a rapist.
let's ask the gov't of romania
dude i worked in a buncha different college libraries around the time of google's initial ascension. Google slayed. it was awesome, in 2000.
now? google is a drippy search engine.
McKinsey, you forgot that, whatever the fuck it is
wikipedia also redirects it to the coast province/ Kenya's coast on the Indian Ocean. i didn't mean to get here from there, but i do love random wikipedia