Money and time no object? I would do a tour of the Pacific islands on a 110 Wally sailboat complete with crew so I get to do the fun stuff like helming and none of the boring stuff I don't feel like doing that day. Would hit at a minimum Galapagos, Tahiti, Fiji, New Caledonia and on down to the Sundays in Australia. Would take about 6 months although I could spend a lifetime there.
If I was time limited to two weeks? Sailing in the Bahamas in a Outreamer cat, these are as large as I can safely handle with my partner and its a lot lot shallower than the Wally so I get to explore far more of the Bahamas. Shorter holidays I want less flight time, so direct like this is perfect.
I recently switched from alacritty to ghostty as I wanted image support as ghostty implements the kitty protocol for it. Ghostty seems as fast as alacrity to me, but with better support. It even has a tmux type replacement, although I haven't used it as I don't need it with sway doing that for me.