
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (1 children)

This occurred about 20ish years ago.


Now that makes a lot more sense.

My own father has been using a computer since the 90s, initially just to track his own investments and finances, but later on to keep in touch with family back in the old country. So he’s got a bit more experience under his belt.

Still, he manages to suss out all scams that target him, and does a fair bit of his own troubleshooting. And while the latter is decreasing in effectiveness as of late… the fact that he can still do this with a 5th grade education while in the grips of dementia at 86 makes me proud AF. I have to swing by more and more these days, but he always has detailed notes of what he’s looked up and what he’s tried and didn’t work, so I can have a full roadmap of what has happened. Honestly, I have clients half his age that are far more useless, and that’s why I still jump when he calls for help.

[–] 3 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

My stepmother, however, once asked me if she needs to rewind a DVD before putting it away.

record scratch

…come again?

[–] 5 points 13 hours ago (3 children)

"are you typing the @ symbol, or are you typing the word at in the email address?"


My father is 86, is fairly far down the slope of dementia, has a 5th grade education, has a hard time typing because he can’t really see the keys on the keyboard anymore, and still doesn’t do things like this.

…maybe I got lucky?

[–] 5 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

JFC, that white text is me to a T.

And my printer is a 1998 HP 4050DTN that could probably survive the apocalypse in fair shape.

Even my planned CCTV system will be completely hardlined with shielded cables, technically airgapped, E2E encrypted between the cameras and the server, and with a mechanically-driven RJ45 connector that will allow one-way backups to BackBlaze once a week through a specially configured Bastille server.