
joined 1 month ago
[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 68 points 9 hours ago (2 children)

Missing critical features:

Filter lists only update with the extension, you cannot update them dynamically

No making your own filters and thus no element picker for blocking annoyances on a webpage (a feature so good apple literally baked it into safari)

No support for external lists (which means if you back up your own filters into a list you cannot easily reimport)

No changing behavior on a per site basis

A number of other features as well that are more strictly power user features but still really handy like dynamic filtering and strict blocking domains.

If you have the option stop using chrome and edge, they are some of the worst options you could choose. Even outside of adblock and manifest v3 chrome is horrendous for data harvesting bullshit and edge isn’t great. If you don’t have the option because of an overzealous it dept or whatever and are forced to use it ubo lite is your best option probably and my heart goes out to you

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 2 days ago

the worlds biggest mystery - I left a cake in a room with my dog and when I came back it was gone??!

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

You can just say bluray, disc is implied

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 17 points 3 days ago

To be clear I don’t think you were trying to be misleading or anything and I apologize if I came off as rude. By nature of my work I talk to anti vaccine people a lot and it can be trying

I mean to ultimately stress the point that somehow we have lost the plot. When vaccines came out people truly understood that the vaccine was a tremendous advantage over the alternative. Primarily because at the time they had seen firsthand the chilling effects of disease ravaging their communities

It unfortunately appears we will have a reminder of that soon because stupid selfish morons refuse to read a book and as result their “right to liberty” will result in countless deaths. Sorry to grandma, sorry to babies, maga dork doesn’t trust doctors

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 28 points 3 days ago (5 children)

1 in 100 is ridiculously overstating the serious risks, borderlining on misinformation. You are not doing the same thing with measles parties at all

Here are the risks of the mmr vaccine

Death: literally 1 in a million. These are typically due to anaphylaxis. In much rarer cases underlying immune disorders are triggered, underlying neurological conditions such as encephalitis are triggered, or very severe thrombocytopenia occurs. The majority of cases of thrombocytopenia induced by the vaccine (which is still astoundingly rare) are not nearly this severe and are correctable

Anaphylaxis: literally 1 in a million

Febrile seizures: between 1 in 3000 and 1 in 4000

Thrombocytopenia, a low platelet count: 1 in 40,000. Again, most cases are not fatal

Mild swelling of the glands similar to mumps: 1 in 1000

Mild side effects like rash or fever though? About 5%

Now to contrast:

If you catch measles you have about a 1 in 1000 chance of dying. This is in America, the risk is higher in less developed countries and countries where vaccinations rates are lower (and thus pockets of America where vaccination rates are low may see higher death rates). This is because of the potential risk of developing pneumonia and encephalitis

People who are anti vaccination do not understand medicine at all and do understand the most basic statistics. The fact of the matter is vaccines can and do cause harm. There is no getting around that fact. But the chance of you encountering the harm from vaccines is astronomically lower than the risk of of encountering harm from the diseases they are protecting you from.

To put it quite simply: if you vaccinate your child with the mmr vaccine they have a 1 in a million chance of dying. If you do not and they catch measles they have a 1 in a thousand chance of dying. If you purposely infect them with measles you should be charged with child abuse.

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 16 points 3 days ago

Why would they be against thiel? He was an early investor back in 2014 when Altman got involved

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 30 points 3 days ago (6 children)

DVDs?? is this article from 2006?

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 3 days ago

Already happened to world iirc

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 10 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Depends on budget and storage options

That’s not much data

Listed in order:

Encrypted nas. For that small amount of data raid 1. A shitty e waste pc would suffice. A ups would be ideal. This is least ideal honestly as it requires power, a maintainer, and isnt truly backup

SSD of some kind, even a usb stick Enterprise hard drive like wd gold or ironwolf pro Redundant copies, 2-3 ideally, store in various cool dry locations

LTO tape - far more resilient than hard drives and cost effective per tb but downside is that you need a very expensive ($3-5000) tape drive to utilize them, also very slow to read/write, older/cheaper tape formats (I believe pre lto8?) don’t have the ability to act as an external disk where you can just drag and drop files and are more of a pain to use

Blu-ray M-DISK. Upside for these are that they are very resilient, can be stored basically anywhere assuming you put them in a sealed container, and will last many many years (probably longer than you’ll be alive). Downside is that storage per disk is very low (100gb), cost per disk is high, and write speed is low. so you will need ~ 50 for 5tb of data, each disk is about $25 (so $1225 though tbf there’s probably bulk pricing) and it would take 37.5 hours to burn them. But this would be the most resilient of all

Cloud storage - backblaze, tresorit, icedrive, etc

Hybrid solution - ideal scenario. Load a hard drive or two and lock them away somewhere. If you have access to a Blu-ray burner maybe burn a handful of m-disks of your most critical data (not all 5tb but the most important 1-200gb or so). If you can access a tape drive do that too. Ideally update the tape and hard drives monthly. Update the Blu-ray as needed. local nas and cloud for daily backups

Obviously encrypt your files. Veracrypt is a good solution in a political dissident situation - can create hidden volumes so that if you are caught you can give up passwords and reveal only the outer volume, keeping the inner volume hidden

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 6 days ago

My basic math skills have been terrible lately. I made a basic math error in a post the other day too. I was a strong student in math too

Is this cognitive decline? I’m not even 40

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 9 points 6 days ago (4 children)

Tech was ruined in the 90s when capitalistic influences (microsoft being the dominant force but far from the only one) propagandized the industry and eventually populace at large with the idea that competition in the industry is what drives innovation.

Granted, much of their work was already done for them thanks to western influence perpetuating this ideal for ages. But when the frameworks for open standards, interoperability, and collaborative development were being proposed and put into place they were shot down and/or actively sabotaged

As a result 40 years later we have this mess. A landscape filled with nightmare tech. Fragmentation everywhere, design heavily influenced by a small handful of sociopaths with no empathy and active disdain for users, the idea of open standards is something that requires government intervention (and still rarely occurs), interoperability is something that has to be hacked around and frequently breaks as a means to encourage purchasing a competing product.

What could have been. Tech designed for people’s needs rather than tech designed to extract income

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 16 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Then you won’t browse about 20% of the Internet, which doesn’t sound like a lot but it’s disproportionately impacting sites you would generally want to browse

I posted to this effect in a Firefox alternatives thread: if you use an alternative low adoption rate FOSS browser you trade increased privacy via less/no data harvesting for decreased privacy via much higher susceptibility to browser fingerprinting by google/meta/etc. doesn’t matter if you resize your windows if your browser reports its one that only 5,000 people use. And something tells me the tech giants have a way around user agent spoofing

And now even if you don’t care about that? Fuck you. Cloudflare locks you out of the modern internet because of course anyone not using chrome or safari is a bot

I have pretty draconian privacy protections on my devices and home network. It makes the internet hostile. Captchas regularly fail and I have to try them many times. Embedded youtube videos always think I am a bot and refuse to play unless I sign in, I get weird interstitial pages with captchas on google search, yandex, etc (kagi and searx don’t so I use searx), etc.

Advertisers have pushed companies to make the internet openly hostile to anyone who wants to maintain privacy. And to be clear google and meta are advertisers first and foremost. Fuck them

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