I've been trying to keep less tabs open.
it's not easy while test-driving multiple search engines for every search lol
I've been trying to keep less tabs open.
it's not easy while test-driving multiple search engines for every search lol
Lemmy and Molly (foss) are the most addictive. 🤣🤣
i agree with wanting see more of tab title. for people who regularly keep 50+ tabs open, that is a pipe dream.
if tabs are so many that their iconized anyway, making the tab bar vertical and iconized isn't much difference.
and if the bar would expand on hover (hopefully in near future), like in Brave (not sure if it's a Chrome feature), then it can be wide enough to see plenty of title without reducing the webpage size most of the time.
i would not consider buying this much honey, personally, but i really appreciate your comment. it is so informative.
thank you! (sincere)
most beeluable player?
I'm right there with you.
my parents came to USA before i was born and i was born here. i don't know how cheetoh face would do it, but i have no doubt it would try its best to kick you and i both out, even if it's obviously illegal.
unlike some others in the thread, i don't think this is a trivial worry. I've also been silent on certain issues out if concern for my loved ones being targeted for surveillance or worse. i respect you for posting about this. I'm afraid too.
keep talking to trusted friends and take care of your mental health! touch grass, drink water, get the best quality of sleep you can.