Language is extremely powerful. This is all part of the erasure (an integral part btw).
I remember reading recently that it's gotten better (haven't tried myself so don't hold me to it). I can say that Wayland in general has come a long way since I switched to Linux ~2 years ago
Give your balls a tug
Ok... But is that really "jury nullification"? The word "nullify" implies that they are disagreeing with the law, so they choose not to enforce it. That can only go one way in this situation.
Also, the judge would have to agree, as they have the authority to forego the jury verdict from guilty to not guilty (but not vice versa).
It's by no means a perfect system, but what is?
Boy are cloacas so much more than just a butt...
DDG search is garbage, I'm sorry... Whenever I switch to a browser that defaults to it, I'm reminded why I always switch it back to Google (unfortunately). Even Yandex is better, and that's prob Russian spyware.
There is nothing political about acknowledging peoples' existence.
Tankies are annoying, but they're not on the same level as fascists.
You can disagree with laws, but that feels like a terrible reason to nullify a legitimate guilty decision.
And what if the law is "trans people cannot exist"?
That too far-fetched for you (it really shouldn't be at this point but whatever), then what if you were on a jury in the south during Jim Crow?
It's about disagreeing with patently unjust laws.
That goes both ways, people can convict without evidence
This doesn't seem right... My understanding of jury nullification is that it ends with the charges being dismissed. I didn't think it went both ways. Like, I don't think a jury can say, "we know there isn't evidence that this person is guilty, but we want to put them away anyway."
Holy Christ... If true, this would be so much darker and more evil than I ever expected from these people.