Yeah I only run chrome for Microsoft teams which I unfortunately still have to use.
The other day I saw a list of like 20 plugins, about 90% of what I have installed, banned. Not that I ever want chrome back but WTF?
Yeah I only run chrome for Microsoft teams which I unfortunately still have to use.
The other day I saw a list of like 20 plugins, about 90% of what I have installed, banned. Not that I ever want chrome back but WTF?
As much as I dislike her, your story sounds a bit strange.
Nobody can forcibly lock you inside a store against your will, not even the police. And how would this woman for the manager to move the isles, against his wishes? That would take hours with he weights and all that.
Also, whenever someone touches oik that the us feels they are obliged to, invasion follows...
Mind you, they will bever be able to hold Canada, they haven't been able to hold anything since world war 2 and holding a territory that literally has family and friends, that will never end well for the US.
But they'd be stupid enough to go for it anyway and it would destroy the US and Canada and for what?
So that Cheeto and the idiots can get more moneys
Fuck you Trump
Haven't seen much of either, honestly
Ah the expanse, of course! Awesome, though the last two seasons went down in quality. Especially the lady season was a mess only surpassed bu game of thrones season 8
I've seen enough videos if him in interviews, speeches, but also in more personal moments to know that that is just how the guy is.
Honestly I think he has quite a list of mental illnesses and is just semi high functioning. He named one of his kids some code, he refuses to support his children with various mothers, leaving them to publicly having to beg him for his help, even though he's literally the richest guy in the world...
When someone pushes even slightly back he goes off the rails, see the Thai rescuer he called a pedophile because the guy declined his stupid ideas on how to save children out of a cave...
He's a cleptomaníac. Look at all of his claims for the past 15 years, it's all made up, all lies, all bullshit.
I've been ranting about musk being a scammer for years and nobody listened, everyone and their mother thought he was a genius even though he's just really really dumb
Some people just want to watch the world burn
I really wouldn't be surprised that there are people who know they have HIV that try to make blood donations anyway just because.
Sorry, I may sound cynical but I've seen so many people pull so much shit for no reason that I've sort of lost faith in humanity. It's like rule 34, call it rule 51, if it's a shitty thing to do, there will be people doing it just because they think it's amusing
You're kidding, right?
No they're not.
Look around history over the global and democracies consistently are he most powerful because of the transparency that roots out corruption and the freedoms that allow scientific progress and capitalism that allows for strong economy.
Now before lemmies start down voting: yes, capitalism has its issues and it needs to be tempered by strong laws or you get whatever the hell the US is, but in principle allowing free trade is a huge boon to a country and it's citizens
Human life is the cold dead universe come to life to observe itself, experience itself. What a waste it would be to have that tiny glimmer go out too fast, or not be spent on experiencing everything possible.