
joined 1 year ago
[–] pdqcp@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Sometimes it's not even direct violence, redlining is sufficient to keep you stuck where they want you to be

[–] pdqcp@lemmy.dbzer0.com 8 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Oh, I agree that mass transit wouldn't really work in areas that aren't as dense, but we should definitely have those where possible. I didn't mean to say we don't need good car options, but we should also have more options besides just cars

Now regarding bikes and winter, I'd say that's more of an infrastructure problem. Finland also has terrible winter, yet they can bike as usual. You should watch this video if you are interested in this theme: "Why Canadians Can't Bike in the Winter (but Finnish people can)"

[–] pdqcp@lemmy.dbzer0.com 74 points 5 days ago (19 children)

I have a better alternative: invest in viable alternatives to driving! expand protected bike lanes, build the damn high speed rail, more trains, trams and bus lines. One more asphalt lane for cars wont solve traffic problems :)

[–] pdqcp@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 5 days ago

Hopefully Deep Funding becomes popular enough that it no longer becomes a problem

[–] pdqcp@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 6 days ago

ill have to recommend buying old refurbished printers


Does anyone know how to make a dark background/toolbar for the pdf viewer?

The only answer I found was on reddit, but it was deleted

I dont remember how I did it with Firefox. pdfjs.viewerCssTheme no longer works