
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 14 minutes ago (1 children)

Problem is, that many alternatives still just build up on Firefox

If Firefox is dying, Waterfox, LibreWolf, etc will be dying with it, as they don't have the resources to actually maintain the web engine

Not sure, what the best move currently is...

[–] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Thank you!
Looking forward to your posts and thanks for the links :⁠-⁠D

Regarding the reMarkable:
I'm a fan since the first generation and now have the new pro version.
I really fucking love it and I can't imagine my work without it anymore.
Before that I always had A4 notebooks with me. One per project and I couldn't just discard filled up ones, because I sometimes needed to check my earlier notes
So after some time, I was packing multiple notebooks on business trips and that got really heavy.
The reMarkable completely solved that.
I would still like to have it perform a bit faster on some cases and I missed some features, like drawing geometric things (or just a straight line), but since the last update they brought in a really cool feature.
You draw something like a line, square or circle, and if you want to have it straightened out (and not consist of your own wobbly lines), you just hold the pen in place after finishing the shape and it will make it geometrically nicely drawn.

As said, I really love it :⁠-⁠)
Although the price tag is a bit hard, I've given away the 2 earlier generations to friends and so they still have a happy productive life, after I upgraded.
So I'm fine with that at least...

Edit: looking through the links, it's pretty much focused on the English alphabet. As a German speaker, I'll probably need something for ö,ä,ü,ß - although I could probably extend that myself a bit, when needed
All in all, that looks very very interesting and could really help me in my daily work :⁠-⁠D
Seems my wife is hooked as well, as she often needs to make quick notes during her work

Edit 2: woah, ok
First off, this all looks amazingly tempting, but I'm completely overwhelmed with the choices

I'd need something to quickly write technical stuff down - like "just" replacing typical letters with easier/faster written ones, and cursive sounds more fun/fluid to write.
But I'm having a hard time to filter out the systems, that base on phonetics. Because I think, that would make it harder for me to actually read my notes, and as I'm usually not transcribing spoken words, I don't really need that part.

I'm still looking through your recommendations, so sorry, if I missed something, that already matches my requirements. But would you have any system in mind, that would fit my purpose to quickly note down my thoughts and concepts that way?

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (2 children)

As I'm rocking a reMarkable, my priorities would be ranked:

  • speed
  • size on page

Everything else, I'm not exactly decided on, like number of users isn't really important to me, because I'm mostly taking notes for myself.
Phonetics also aren't really important, because I'm mostly focused on technical stuff.
Study time? Well, it is what it is. And when it's worth it, I'll put in the time. But maybe it would be nice to have something quickly rewarding to start?

But this probably shouldn't be orientated about my needs.
Anything you provide about this interesting topic, especially when you include practical usage, is absolutely appreciated!

[–] -1 points 3 days ago

Well, depends on what you need to restart.

If it's just a service or two, then it's pretty quick.

Obviously you need to know, what you're doing.
And I think that's pretty hard with windows, because it never tells you, what it's actually doing during an update.

With Linux it's much more transparent and often the restart of a service is just part of my update routine.
No need to close and save all my open stuff, and reboot. Just restart the few services that got an update and that's pretty much it.

So, really depends on the update, the transparency of it and also the personal insight/skill

[–] 7 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Not of you need to wait for ever for an update to finish during shutdown, when you just want to pack up your laptop and finally leave the work site - and afterwards it somehow needs the same time to boot up again, because it's preparing out finishing something, without ever telling you, what the hell it's actually doing all the time

And usual reboot only takes like 20s, you're right there, but not with a windows update blocking a normal shutdown or startup

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (4 children)

That sounds pretty cool actually! :⁠-⁠D

Is it hard to learn?
And could you maybe give me some entry level links or so?

[–] 0 points 3 days ago (8 children)

I'm sorry, never heard about shorthand systems.
What's that?
And why can't we have a comparable community here? (Like the one you linked and it's about screen didn't really give me any info on what it's about ;⁠-⁠))

[–] 3 points 4 days ago

Didn't know about that
Does my Megane E-Tech already have that port?
Have never read about this before

[–] 10 points 4 days ago

What has this to do with "lefties"?
A dictatorship and dismantling everything inside the country and destroying relationships with allies can't be good either way

Or do I miss something?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Not sure about alcohol prices, but stuff like deodorants and other necessities often cost double as much as in Germany since some time

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Pretty sure I don't know about that
Is it in the same kind as with Austrian cellars?

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