‘60s hits because my dad was visiting for my sons birthday, Bonobo, Kruder and Dorfmeister and Fink’s first album.
joined 1 year ago
We had bouncers dealing with them when I worked as a cook in Amsterdam at a grand cafe also selling hash and weed. If anyone was rude or entitled, mostly American or British tourist, they got dealt with pretty quick. I remember Americans going ballistic over orders, like "who put fucking tomato on my fucking BLT?!", I could hear this woman screaming from th kitchen. Got launched by a knee from a bouncer, don't be rude.
1 to 3 hrs of house keeping as I am early retired. Cooking takes up most of my time. My wife works 40 hrs a week, but mostly from home, so that is nice as we spend much time together and I can make her sandwiches, coffee and tea while she is working.