"Hey, remember when everyone was so freaked out by AI?"
Find common ground and go out for Thai food.
Pretty soon, we won't even have to play a game, it will just be an AI scripted narrative with characters and settings that we sit down, watch, and if we're super lucky, interact with through scripted prompts.
There's your opener: "Dude, what's wrong with your skin? Have you talked to a dermatologist?"
"based on reports and the opinion of our crack moderation team".
Again, you broke rule 5, deal with it and move on. Your other posts whining about this are already earning you removals and bans.
Rule 5: "bait users into ideological wars".
You directly broke rule five, and because your question was disingenous, that broke rule 1.
Sorry you're butthurt over it. Get over it and move on.
You broke community rule 5:
And in the process broke rule 1:
Resulting in expected behavior:
Can we also say just how crappy the print job on the CPU was as well? Barely readable other than "Ryzen" and even Ryzen was pixellated as hell!
Looking at the Bahamas sometime this year, but my wife needs to secure the time off first. :(
Don't retaliate, it will only escalate. Use your grown up voice and mention the slamming wakes you up.