The article refers to it as the "Newfoundland Curse". I don't call a stranger anything less formal than a Newfoundlander. While it's not a slur to use the word you did, it is associated with a lot of bad feelings and shameful behaviour. It is best to use it only with people you are close and friendly with. I'd certainly never put it in metadata.
While it's true that Trump is a legitimate threat to our security and even our sovereignty, I think it's also true that nearly every MLA in Canada (ie MPs, MPPs, and other MLAs) are exaggerating their concerns in an attempt to consolidate power. Donald might not be clear on the details, but he knows how the game is played.
This is a Naomi Kline-esque "shock" and we are getting fucked from both sides right now. Those claiming to be our friends, are not our friends.
He doesn't need a seat, except by convention, and practicality. But it's not a legal necessity.
Dang, I'd swear they are riffing on Buck 65.
New Arrogant Worms!
Jesus. Okay. So when you say, "being short sighted", you don't literally mean the geometry of their eyes is myopic. You mean it figuratively. Exactly like the person you are correcting clearly means it figuratively when they say "short-term memory".
Weird that they removed the reference to ESP32, one of the most common and widely known microcontrollers, from the headline.
The British went about their lives with bombs falling on them every day. When you are powerless, this is how you survive.
The Liberal's odds RIGHT NOW (h/t John Goblikon) are better than they have been in years. There's no guarantee they will get better still in six months, they could easily tank again.
Any Senate appointments available right now? PM can rule from Senate.
That's less than the total incurred costs of Ford's decision to break the contract with The Beer Store a year earlier than scheduled.
If we were going to treat workers fairly, we wouldn't need them to be migrants.