I'm not an AI fan, but thank you for using it remove words, rather than turn 20 words into 200.
I don't know about you but I fulfill all my e-commerce needs with Offpunk.
If a Liberal loses votes to the Greens, then it forces them to " green up" their platform, which is also in line with the Green party's stated goals.
I like to see it as the other voters that are "vote splitting" by choosing to vote for candidates that don't support proportional representation.
Exactly. It's one thing if you're voting for the Liberal candidate because you believe in them, but if all you're doing is voting defensively then I don't know how we'll get out of this two wholly unconstructive two party back and forth.
Certainly not by voting our way out of it.
It kind of makes the article seem more human? 🤣
Lang shift has snuck up on us, tsk.
I'd love to get down to the city level, even
I would, however, recommend Arch if you're a Linux novice looking to learn about Linux in a more accelerated pace.
I remember stepping on a rusty nail as a kid, and I noticed that a plank of wood was stuck to my foot before I even registered how much pain I was in.
Into it
This is a huge pet peeve of mine, especially when looking at the screenshots or even videos of a game.
You'll be looking at the store page for like a top-down strategy game, and all they show are a bunch of cinematic closeups of character's faces with FXAA 99999 and 0 screenshots showing the UI. Bro, that is NOT what playing the game looks like.
I want to see the UI. I Like The UI. I like the strategic camera angle. I am an ACTUAL FAN of this genre and have willingly put myself in your sales funnel - show me the features of the actual game that I want to purchase and play, please.