You'd think he'd want to give up citizenship of a place he doesn't consider a "real country."
Is the joke that you're an idiot?
Yeah, I think a tax bracket from 250k-500k and then 500k and above would be helpful to get at the people who are in the top 1% of earners. The ownership class, as you say. A big challenge comes from the fact that a lot of these people do not have liquid assets, it's often stocks or some other kind of investment product.
It's not a solution at all but it's a start. I agree that labour is inherently undervalued in Canada, this manifests itself in various ways across our laws, policies, cultural attitudes, labour relations, etc. It seems like untangling that would be a lot more difficult than changing the tax code, since a lot of MPs and MPPs have a vested interest in labour organizations and workers being powerless.
The word metric doesn't always refer to the metric system... It has another entirely separate meaning.
It's also not called "standard" in America, it's called the imperial system.
A "metric" is another word for something that is used as a way of measuring a specific object, task, quality/characteristic, or goal.
For instance, "what metric are you using to measure inteligence?" is asking what criteria are being used to evaluate the intelligence of a particular subject (whether that's humans, animals, AI, etc.).
An IQ score is an example of a metric of intelligence, though there's evidence to suggest that IQ is not a good metric of intelligence.
"If you tax me, I'll have less to bribe you with."
Politicians don't bite the hand that feeds them. We need more tax brackets at the upper levels; our highest one is $246,752 and over, which only faces a 33% progressive tax rate.
There are so many people in Canada that make way more than this who just aren't paying their fair share. We should also be doing more to tax assets other than income.
It's somewhat common for a really aggressive cough to break a hymen. It's not a strong membrane whatsoever. Hymens actually open up when you're horny so it's not even a given that having sex would break it. And like you said, you can be born with a broken hymen or no hymen at all.
Yeah, this is just socially enforced time theft. If your coworkers bitch to you, it's not your problem. It sucks that your union doesn't have your back on this.
Wayne Gretzky
More power to you, as long as you're cool with the inherent damage to your health.
I have to correct you (sorry) when you say "dual-phase" because homes in Canada (my country) and the US don't have dual-phase electricity and haven't for many, many decades. What you are talking about is called "split-phase" and is actually just a single phase that's been split using a neutral/return conductor.
To actually answer your question, yes, it's higher amperage and higher voltage. Every circuit breaker is really just a "tap" into the panel in order to create a parallel circuit at the applied voltage (usually 120V) and whatever amperage the breaker is rated for (after ensuring that you're using the correct size of breaker, of course).
The main reason why amperage is really important for larger appliances is because the cable used to plug them in (whether that's by literally plugging it in or by hardwiring it into the panel) needs to be thick enough not to overheat from regular use. When precautions aren't taken, it's pretty easy for the cable jacket to melt (happens around 90 degrees C) and for the bare wires to eventually short and/or start a fire.
Obviously, a 18A breaker would prevent this, but it would also prevent you from using the oven.
The fact that she told Maher anything is why she's not appropriate for PM.