For me it was one of the main motivations to join
joined 1 year ago
Are you telling me your user name is usually taken when registering for a new service, AoxoMoxoA?
and her bong
We already have that in German! Morgen and Übermorgen (Über- = over-)
I remember we had some version a year ago (was it 0.18?) that made the whole lemmyverse unreliable. Federation was completely fucked, inage upload was buggy... some instances needed weeks for repairing the damage.
Very nice! Long time Voyager user but never came across this function.
Well I guess this is only the domain and their server us hosted elsewhere. But good point.
= -9.44 °C
62°F - 63°F ~ 17°C
58°F ~ 14°C
Wow, haven't heard of the Nernst equation since 10 years in university! No idea anymore what it does, I just remember that I had to use it in an exam and that it sucked.