Strategic reserves are strategic. If your strategy is to crash the price of gold for a short period of time, then sure. It's hard to see how society benefits from that though.
Also maybe microdots would be more effective. Not exactly pen and paper, but still analog. Hard to crack a code you can't find.
Maybe something akin to a book code, although machine learning may be able to crack those by that time.
I am not a cryptographer so I have no idea really.
The Navajo did pretty well in WWII
Some people will have this on their phone and be irate when a FOSS app includes a crash report tracker.
Ave Maria. Twice.
What mention of religion should be removed? What is the region?
The article you posted noted that there was freedom of movement before the first Intifada. That was ended by the Oslo Accords, in which both Israel and Palestine agreed to a two-state solution.
Palestinian leadership rejected all agreements for statehood, which led to the talks falling apart. This included a deal that included 91% of the land of the pre-1967 West Bank, and a land trade agreement to compensate for that remaining 9%, and a capital in East Jerusalem. Instead, they initiated the second intifada.
Great, what would that look like? Other than buzz words, what specific policies would you like to see changed?
Presently Israel is about 20% Palestinians, who have passports, study and teach in the same universities, vote, serve in the government, serve in the highest levels of the Judiciary, have guaranteed rights to practice their religion freely, educate children in their family's language, etc. Please let me know if you would like sources for any of this. I'm happy to provide them.
Just not engaging with foolish arguments.
Who are "the colonists?" Should we boycott Christian Palestinians who were part of the colonization of the crusades? Should we allow companies to do business with Jews in historically Jewish areas like the Old City of Jerusalem or Hebron, even though they are are on the Palestinian side of the Green Line? Do colonists include Palestinians who came to the West Bank from Jordan between 1948 and 1967? Are all Israelis colonists, regardless of whether they are Jewish, Palestinian, Druze, etc?
It seems like the comment was either a cowardly way of avoiding saying "yes, boycott the Jews," or else it came from a place of astounding historical ignorance. Either way, it's not worth my time to continue.
Will the reply to this be a thoughtful, informed response, or a zingy one-liner designed to dunk on an unpopular opinion?
Dumb Oligarch Gets Everything
Yes, obviously. What a ridiculous question when computers have been making hiring decisions since the late 1990s.