
joined 2 years ago
[–] digdilem@lemmy.ml 67 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (2 children)

In unrelated news, hate is reduced across the world.

[–] digdilem@lemmy.ml -4 points 1 day ago

the reality is that every Chinese company is ultimately controlled by the CCP.


But in the same way that every US company is ultimately controlled by the US Government. And every EU company by them. And every other country by their own government.

[–] digdilem@lemmy.ml 48 points 5 days ago

Thats's a shame, I always considered brother one of the better makers of paper manglers.

[–] digdilem@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 week ago

Bad news sells.

[–] digdilem@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 week ago

Plenty of evil has been done under the name of communism and socialism too. It's not capitalism's fault, that's just the tool that's being used in these cases by evil people to achieve their ends.

[–] digdilem@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

More information: It's been rolling out to Android 9+ users since November 2024 as a high priority update. Some users are reporting it installs when on battery and off wifi, unlike most apps.

App description on Play store: SafetyCore is a Google system service for Android 9+ devices. It provides the underlying technology for features like the upcoming Sensitive Content Warnings feature in Google Messages that helps users protect themselves when receiving potentially unwanted content. While SafetyCore started rolling out last year, the Sensitive Content Warnings feature in Google Messages is a separate, optional feature and will begin its gradual rollout in 2025. The processing for the Sensitive Content Warnings feature is done on-device and all of the images or specific results and warnings are private to the user.

Description by google Sensitive Content Warnings is an optional feature that blurs images that may contain nudity before viewing, and then prompts with a “speed bump” that contains help-finding resources and options, including to view the content. When the feature is enabled, and an image that may contain nudity is about to be sent or forwarded, it also provides a speed bump to remind users of the risks of sending nude imagery and preventing accidental shares. - https://9to5google.com/android-safetycore-app-what-is-it/

So looks like something that sends pictures from your messages (at least initially) to Google for an AI to check whether they're "sensitive". The app is 44mb, so too small to contain a useful ai and I don't think this could happen on-phone, so it must require sending your on-phone data to Google?