To jump go to ur profile and hit export then make a new account in a different instance and do import.
Wow didn't know you could do this.
To jump go to ur profile and hit export then make a new account in a different instance and do import.
Wow didn't know you could do this.
I modded about 30 sub’s, mostly niche subs just to keep the spam and hate speech at a minimum.
Then you were doing it right. Thank you for your service. But there were lots of bad mods passing out rando-bans left and right.
My general rule of thumb is that any software update has a 50% chance of making the software worse. So I don't update anything without a good reason. That includes not just device updates but things like phone apps.
Urgent security fixes are gonna go unpatched
I don't understand why a printer would ever need an "urgent security fix". Or a software update for that matter.
Dotard Musk comes from a South African Afrikaner background. Those same people literally ran a white supremist government and jailed Nelson Mandela for decades.
Will there be meaningful software updates for your Kia EV6 in 2028? Absolutely not, no way.
I just got a new electric Kia and I don't give the slightest shit about updates. In fact I would prefer no updates for fear it would make the great car I have worse. And no way in hell will I ever give Dotard Musk any of my money,
Whether the people at Google who did this knows they are evil or thinks they are not evil doesn't really even matter. Having a phone app that automatically scans all your photos should scare the shit out of you. At the very least it wastes your battery and slows down your phone.
LMFAO! Dude I am not the person who equated Stalin and Hitler's imperialist joint military invasion pact with the UK's appeasement agreement. That was you. You are a Hitler/Stalin apologist. Who both killed tens of millions of people.
Clearly I know more than you do, since you didn't know the difference between a Military Invasion Pact that Hitler and Stalin made, and an appeasement agreement that the infamous fool Neville Chamberlian made.
Here’s one example that took place a year before the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact
Yes, we all know about the infamously foolish appeasement of Hitler. That wasn't a defense pact like Hitler made with Stalin.
The Nazis had pacts with literally everyone.
Nope. With only with Russia, Axis nations, and a few small countries.
Stalin literally made a pact with Hitler to participate in the imperialist invasion of Poland.
Try Usenet then.