Ok I ate the onion lol
They know exactly what they're doing, it's a "purification," not entirely dissimilar to the same that happened in the 1930s in Germany.
Eh I don't see that happening, the sheer amount of data Google has on the US population is probably quite useful to the admin, for, uh, reasons.
So that when the oligarchs assume full unchecked control of the US, no one will lift a finger to help the rest of us.
Believe it or not, also jail.
Eh the idea behind it is benevolent, and it's certainly a good attempt. I think the problem lies in when administrators try to measure effectiveness of any given program, which they do via metrics, which inevitably become quotas for something so subjective to quantify, and then the entire intent behind the program(s) become a required number to hit. It's such a difficult thing to measure, and eventually you will have overzealous managers making boneheaded hiring/promotion decisions to show their "inclusiveness," ultimately to further their own careers. But, again, it is necessary to promote these ideals within the government, at least so people just look at each other as people, so I dunno. It's a sticky topic.
I mean, I guess? Every argument I've heard against DEI, and affirmative action for that matter, is that it promotes hand picking and placing people that aren't white/straight into positions of leadership only for the sheer fact that they aren't white and straight, ignoring merit and qualification. Yeah, much of the salt is them seeing someone they perceived as being lesser than them given special advantage for promotion. I absolutely believe we need some way to help ensure everyone is given an equal shot at fulfilling upper level roles. That said, promoting a person for an important role to "fill the quota" (as it were) as opposed to the best person for the job regardless of race/sex/orientation/etc is how we build the strongest teams for important departments in both government and business, but how to counteract systemic racism and bigotry is another story.
TL:DR: I dunno. And I'm a straight white guy, so I'm probably the wrong person to ask.
Um, I don't think Bart was anything close to resembling a DEI hire or even affirmative action. Bart was chosen because he was seen as an almost guaranteed failure as the town would unanimously reject him for being black and decide to leave town, allowing Hedley Lamarr and his goons to scoop up Rock Ridge for pennies on the dollar for their railroad (due to the quicksand they encountered at the very beginning of the movie). They nearly did reject him in the beginning, only to start warming up to him once he showed an effective prowess at dealing with all the curveballs Lamarr threw at him (ie Mongo). They promoted the idea of Bart as a progressive choice on the surface (dare I say, a cabinet post!), but the underlying reason was to play on the citizens of Rock Ridge's racism and coerce them to leave town.
So I'd say that maybe it was meant to be seen as an inclusive and progressive choice (in modern parlance), but the underlying reason was anything but (in the context of the movie).
You're probably just better going with a fork of FF that has all that nonsense stripped out.
Having a digital programmable thermostat has been fantastic for this. We keep the house at 62°/63° in the evening, drop it to 58° from 11p-6a, then up to 62° until we leave for the day. Saves on fuel and also helps getting out of bed suck less.
Sure, let's make them pay a paltry sum that mostly enriches the lawyers, and everyone else gets a check for a nickel.