obviously but even if you were made legally female overnight that doesn't dictate your gender
you could probably use a fit-tested elastomeric respirator to filter out those particles!
I think a P100 filter should be able to take care of your problem, as I've heard many people use them for allergies.
there's also the added bonus of COVID/insert pathogen protection since airports and airplanes are a leading cause of super-spreaders
that it's an artificially engineered "crisis" by the medical industrial complex to justify modern day discrimination and refuse to provide healthcare to fat people, Black people, etc
podcast episode on this
and the consensus used to be that race science is a great idea. great job in rebranding that in fat phobia!
you're what we call in the fat community one of the "good fats". just know that what you're promoting is pseudoscience and not conducive to "health" whatever that means
what you're doing here is mansplaining science by refusing to keep up to date on the recent research that's only recently starting to make it acceptable in the scientific literature what's been known all along by indigenous people and survivors of famine. that is that food scarcity doesn't cause weight loss, it causes systemic retention of fat to survive life threatening scenarios.
in the epigenetics field as well it is well known that famine trauma propagates through generations, which is exemplified by Irish people tending towards larger sizes on average.
you're also idolizing medics and the medical field by not acknowledging that they're humans just like us and therefore not devoid of biases. the field is extremely white and man-centric, therefore refusing to accept any science that doesn't benefit their class interests. eugenics is common practice in medicine nowadays, you can see it in the way fatness is criminalized and punished through violence by most doctors.
thanks for the recs, will check them out!
I recommend watching Juno's entire playlist on naloxone harm reduction. they're a harm reduction educator and substance user and they have more intimate knowledge than the sterile pamphlets that medical institutions put out.
people often get agitated because you're forcing them into acute opioid withdrawal by administering too much naloxone. the nasal type that most civilians have access to contains 4 mg vs the 0.4 mg intramuscular that EMS workers administer. this comes out to a 5 times higher dose than strictly necessary. source:
I can't say there's an easy alternative but anyone who's able should contact harm reduction orgs to get trained in administering intramuscular naloxone. nasal works too, but be mindful that the person you're "helping" is gonna have probably the worst day of their life.
people should also be aware there's a lot of seemingly helpful information out there influenced by copaganda warning civilians that substance users are dangerous/violent and to stay away/call the cops. this is a fucked up way to do harm reduction and really dehumanizing to substance users.
edit: replaced precipitated withdrawal with acute opioid withdrawal.