
joined 2 years ago
[–] absGeekNZ@lemmy.nz 4 points 7 hours ago

I went to help out a friend, a few years ago, he runs vanilla Edge, I can't believe anyone actually uses the internet like that.

[–] absGeekNZ@lemmy.nz 1 points 13 hours ago
[–] absGeekNZ@lemmy.nz 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

The sick, the dying... and the dead. Feat RFK Jr

[–] absGeekNZ@lemmy.nz 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Malice in Chains
Queefs of the Stone Age

Now Doubt
Red Hot Chilli Preppers

[–] absGeekNZ@lemmy.nz 2 points 1 day ago

The Shite Stripes just about killed me

Was their debut album skid mark?

[–] absGeekNZ@lemmy.nz 36 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)
[–] absGeekNZ@lemmy.nz 8 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Oh come on
Poo Fighters

[–] absGeekNZ@lemmy.nz 6 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Absolute gold

“I’m sure Americans can sleep soundly knowing that their entire economic future is being steered by the guy who bankrupted four separate casinos.”

[–] absGeekNZ@lemmy.nz 0 points 1 week ago (2 children)

No. If you are actively searching for something, and go to a specific place that sells that thing. It is not advertising, the active party is you not them.

The problem is when the active party is the ad-networks, the trackers, the junk pushers.

If I go to a review site, for say lawn mowers, and they say hey brand 1 is great, but brand 2 is better because of 'reasons'; I am active, engaging in the process. If however, I then go to a site that is about tigers, and brand 3 pushes their ad to intrude on the tiger info....this (in my opinion) is a major intrusion into my private space.