I like how tighty-whities are NOT an option!!! 😁 (This lady likes her men in hipster briefs)
I was a night owl too growing up! But in high school I had marching band practice and got my sunshine then. I’m not sure if it’s moving to TN or my 30’s but I lived in Knoxville and after 6 months I was SO tired I would lay on the floor in my office at work to rest. It was three years later in PA where I got tested. At that point I was sleeping all weekend in bed.
I was about to date myself and says SM3 for NES but I will bow down to DOS. Winner winner.
I had that issue over ten years ago. I’m not really an outdoor person but moving from FL to TN and then to PA… in three years I didn’t know what was wrong with me. My vitamin D hit 11. I take 50,000 In once a week forever now, keeps it in the 60’s.
5,000 daily is 3.47 per minute for 24/7. Insane?
Another hail Canada moment. Hoping y’all don’t let the bully win this week. Someone has to stand up to him.