May I Mike a suggestion? Try lowering the camera to just a hand or two above the ground. It might change this from "skull on the forest floor" to "skull in a forest" and add depth and context
Because i/e has dumb, inconsistent rules and I've apparently I've written it wrong enough times that my autocorrect has taken it to be the correct, learned spelling. At least it's better than when it takes charge of the sentence and completely flips n't contractions. Those are sneaky and incredibly confusing if not caught.
But I keep shopping for ceiling materials and I can recognize cieling is wrong, so that's nice.
While I've read every comment and found no real flaws, I'm here to add the one thing that makes the sky different (aside from east/west delays). Conjunctions won't happen at the same time - or maybe not at all. You'll see just about the same stars (with maybe a 3 hour delay) and the local bodies will be about the same. As long as you don't try to watch the moon occulting a planet or eclipaing the sun, it'll be the same sky. The lunar eclipse in a few days will look identical though, minus some negligible differences in viewing angle of the moon's face. But the moon blocking some farther object is the only thing I can think of celestially that would be different. Just 50 miles of separation changed the perception of how the moon crossed the sun in the April 2024 North American solar eclipse. Some saw it go down, others up. The last and first sliver of solar crescent was different for everyone watching.
Orientation may flip as well if either of you is within 22N or 22S, stemming from the 22 degree tilt of the earth's rotation. Depends on season and time of day. Northern hemisphere mostly sees celestial bodies to the south, southern hemi sees them to the north, tropical sees them north, south, overhead, and crossing.
Popular by total votes tallied, not popular by total eligible voters. Only about 50-70% of all eligible voters vote - call it 2/3. Campaigning is less about swinging voters between parties and more about convincing them to show up for the ballot. This is Trump's specialty. He is so inflammatory that he has driven more people to the polls, both for and against him. But if you look at the actual stats, 2016 was won with just 27% of the eligible voter population's vote and 2024 with 32%. The runner up tallied 29% and 31%, respectively. 3rd party votes don't exceed 2% which means both the winner and the 2nd place candidates collected a total vote count about equal to the number of people who didn't show up at all.
More towards what people actually see in him, they think he's their friend. His vitriol makes them beleive he's really just in this for an altruistic motive about returning the USA to a place of freedom (for the white Christian patriarchal population). They don't think he is in it for financial gain. They think they're poor because democrats gave money to brown people. They think being a dick to other countries will bring the USA back to a self-sustaining country. They beleive corporations will do the right thing in response and choose to no longer exploit poor countries. They think the decline of US citizens' private wealth is from welfare policies, not from corporate greed. They don't recognize that the USA's 1950s-60s economic boom was rooted in being the only major industrial nation that was NOT bombed to kingdom come in the 40s.
And above all, I beleive conservatives generally lack empathy. They beleive this dichotomy that everyone has equal opportunity but also that behavior is racial. They can't bring themselves to beleive minorities have it rougher due to systemic issues. They can't understand how poverty, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, lacking Healthcare, inability to afford higher education, or predisposition to violence is more easily predicted by birth location than anything else. Until it happens to one of their own, one who looks like them, looks like a daughter, looks like a brother. This frees them to vote for Trump and beleive in a year, they'll be wealthy, screaming "fuck you, got mine" to the lesser demographics that just won't play nice. That gives way to the most upsetting irony. They're voting for a "businessman" who will "run the country like a business" yet somehow cannot understand, at all, Trump is a grifter that is excellent at branding himself as successful on the backs of bankrupted companies that gave him golden parachutes. Why would anyone want trump to run the country like a Trump business? Bankruptcies, layoffs, shutdowns, downsizes, and a fat check for Trump? Because it's about race, religion, and societal norms. It's believing that being white, Christian, and patriarchal should automatically come with success in America. All of the hypocrisy and side effects is just the cost of gaining personal wealth.
Setting up an ERP can also be completely botched if the company's representatives don't fully grasp all the functions needed. What I've been going through as a customer of an ERP suite is that the "stars" of the software don't actually understand the other 50% of functions outside their department. That remaining 50% is distributed among 4 other departments, so representation wasn't exactly prioritized. Add in high turnover circa 2021 and the whole thing is logistical nightmare that finally at least has a goal in sight.
The other underlying issue is the existing forms usually lack what we need and have too much fluff. Once our ERP partner modifies it, the ERP developer drops all support for that form. We get zero help when it gets mystery glitches.
So yeah, I can get why some places say fuck it and stick with excel. Half the workforce knows excel well enough to write what they need. Take 10% of them to format and lock down spreadsheets so the other 50% of the workforce can just fill in boxes and pick drop downs. It just works.
All that to say, I both expect more form a Healthcare company but also am not surprised.
If you go to the other side of the world, there's a good chance your actions won't be understood or might even convey the opposite meaning. Namely, mixing western and Asian body language is messy, depending on how much British colonization happened in the Asian half of the dialogue.
Source: I've been to India with Americans that believed they could communicate if they repeated their English statement slower, with the same verbal shortcuts, and angrier. This works in the big cities at customer service. The success rate drops as population density drops.
For my most successful keto run, it was 6 months of picking one weekend per month to party on beer and simple carbs (supposed to focus on whole grains monthly). I had places to go, foods to experience. But I went from 235 to 195. Using a whole weekend to carb up all the wrong ways ties into me using this diet somewhat carelessly but still effectively. Carbing smartly would smooth out the weight loss but, instead, my chart looks like a slinky falling down stairs. After I hit the bottom for my big day, I gained about half back in the following year. I'd like to get a 3+ month run started in a few weeks. I started Jan 1 but work trips tripped me up, sending me to places where it was impossible to go carb free.
From what I remember, the bad cholesterol was high and good was average. My blood pressure reduced somewhat over that 6 months, although the dramatic weight loss also promoted more physical activity. I didn't really add exercise, but I was able to do all the random daily stuff for longer before overheating.
It's the same as Wendy's having a department just to write sarcastic tweets. It's makes you think of them as Corporation the Person instead of Corporation the Corporation. It's brand imaging. It makes you form a sentimental attachment to a corporation so you choose them over competitors, alternatives, or not buying anything at all.
A beer belly, despite the name, is not exactly from beer. A beer belly isn't specifically from the caloric spikes associated with heavy beer drinking (where a certain amount of alcohol for a certain inebriation is accompanied by a massive intake of simple carbs compared to liquor). It's due in part by genetics. It's called visceral fat, meaning it's intertwined with your torso's organs and muscles. The concern here, particularly when beer-bellied people are heavy enough to show notable fat between their knees, elbows, and faces, is there's likely fat/cholestoral buildup in the circulatory system. The beer belly is a heart attack predictor (but please understand overall weight is part of that indicator, not just location of fat). Some people are prone to adding fat relatively evenly across their body while some are prone to a beer belly. This variance in fat distribution is why skin-pinch based BMI tests are not accurate for health (testing arm skin misses beer bellies) and why weight/height BMI charts aren't either (can categorize distributed-fat risks a little too closely to beer bellied fat).
As for a solution, I support low-carb diets as you've indicated you'll try. They come with risks and peculiarities. As someone with sizable forearms and calves but about 40lbs of beer belly, keto has worked great for weight loss. The consequence of not being careful with eating (counting carbs but not calories to types of fat) is my cholestoral is still high when I do keto stints.
As you consider a low carb diet, I want to point out some misconceptions for keto, since that's mostly what you'll find. Atkins and Weight Watchers are close to keto. Paleo has a similar major component by prohibiting simple processed grain (white flour) but isn't the same otherwise. It's not a high protein diet - eat a normal amount. It's not a high fat diet - higher than the sugar industry-funded diet studies blaming fats will recommend, but still a normal amount. It does push you to choose better fats (nuts, avocado) rather than bad fats (bacon, butter) but fats fare a little better as a snack than proteins.
A major misconception is that fats make you fat and dietary cholestoral gives you coronary cholestoral. Both are indirectly related by directly false. Your belly is not stuffed with butter and cashew oil. It's stuffed with human fat. Fat is a category, not a particular substance. Your body has to convert food into body fat. When you eat lots of sugars or simple carbs (which quickly turn into sugar in your stomach), your body is happy to waste energy converting the other food into body fat because you're rapidly adding energy (sugar) to your blood. While sugar highs aren't exactly real, sugar crashes absolutely are. It's why a big pasta meal can leave you hungry in an hour. So what if you stop eating sugar and simple carbs? You can't put walnuts in your bloodstream. Your body has to take that fat and convert it into body fat, and then that body fat gets converted into blood sugar. It's a lengthy process that costs a lot of energy. It takes a week of dedication to make it work. When you get ketosis in full swing, your body will fuel itself with body fat as it takes time to convert dietary fat into body fat for later. Similarly for dietary cholestoral, you can't take egg yolks and coat your arteries. Your personal cholestoral is produced by your body and is related more to total dietary calorie intake, dietary proportion of saturated fats, and genetic disposition for fat distribution.
Personally, a major benefit from keto is simply being able to confidently turn down all sugar and simple carbs. Beer, cake, cookies, sugary drinks, chips, bread, ice cream, and candy. I can easily convince myself that a little treat won't hurt in a non-keto month but I have poor self control. A little becomes a lot. Part of that is because I'm "cleaning up" carby foods I abstained form during a keto month. But on keto? It's an easy rule to follow since I'm as happy with cheddar as I am with ice cream. While I'll come off for a few months to a year, the monthly keto cycles make my weight chart look like a slinky going down stairs.
The incentive is that Amazon can charge more for premium sellers to have private bins that safeguard against fraud