I've been trying the duckduckgo browser, I think I may stick with it. No idea what to do about email
You are on the wrong side of history, unfortunately you have plenty of company.
As for pushing views on others, not everybody is Christian, not everybody is straight, and white. But that's been pushed on Americans for a long time. Those times are over, and MAGA is just an angry mob that can't handle change and progress.
I like how there's a ball on top, so you know where to kick it
I'd favor more of a typhoid Mary scenario
I'd say the most likely path to prion outbreak would be lack of food regulation. Thousands of people could get sick/ die from contaminated ground meat, and without FDA functioning, it will be too late to prevent it.
Way too many entries for the Darwin Awards this year
Some prices are dropping, if you want to risk buying houses that can't be insured. Although a bank won't give a mortgage for those, so there is no winning.
Change requires a massive push, and apparently people need to suffer much much more, to inspire that momentum.