In a normal company they could, but the board are all loyal to him, not the company. Recently they insisted in giving him a 50 BILLION bonus, yes, with B. No chance they will intervene. And putting a puppet CEO like at Twitter won't have a strong effect either.
In Europe, sepa transfers are free and instant transfers will be mandatory free from October.
To pay in e-commerce, revolut has unlimited one-use cards, no need for PayPal.
People back then didn't have Healthcare, cars or iPhones. I like all of those.
Communist countries work even longer hours, look for instance 996 in China.
I don't have to, I could go half-day and have a decent living, maybe downsizing the house a bit, but I like the big house and the fast car, and the sushi for lunch.
About 1000 Stanley nickels, according to my math.
It's basically 1:1 nowadays, easy to remember
That sounds super uncomfortable, the emergency braking is quite brutal...
Yep, I want to be a contrarian, that why I brought politics in a discussion about tech. Oh, wait...
None of those things are about capitalsm, so still irrelevant.
And I know what the article is about, I just think it's bullshit first and the most minor of minor problems second.
Tech is a huge net positive and even when it's annoying it's a fucking trivial thing to work around.
I have never lived in the US, my man. I am not a programmer, either. So 0 for 2.
Keep up the good work, you convinced me with your Lols. Consumer definitely decide the price of stocks. And the color of the sky. You got it, champ. Typed on an electronic device. Sent over the internet. I love the hypocrisy ;)
Yeah plus the transport would be much more expensive. But I guess building your own refineries will give much more flexibility for the future...
Except they did...
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