Does it count multiple times if I say: “Luigi Luigi Luigi Luigi”?
I don’t see any swearing in that message, will have to remove it.
Also: fuck
They're also not perfect:
- Apple pencil
- Apple pencil (2th gen)
- Apple pencil (USB-C)
- Apple pencil pro
I believe the Apple pencil pro > Apple pencil (USB-c) > Apple pencil (2th gen) > Apple pencil, but it's very unclear IMO.
Eh… do we want people to associate lemmy with an abusive mod?
I really like how voyager does the onboarding, maybe we should promote going trough that.
Your submission was removed as it advocates violence against either a specific person or a group of people. This rule includes thinly-veiled threats, or slogans such as "Eat the Rich". This is against Lemmy’s terms of service. (/s)
As someone new here, what do you think would have really helped you without changing the fundamental principles of the fediverse? Like a website with clear information, or something else?
I’m sorry, we found that you watched a post that was against our content policy for 5 seconds instead of the maximum allowed time of 3 seconds. We will therefore suspend your account, thank you for understanding.
There is currently no comptetive engine that isn’t owned/developed by a big company. Ladybird is slowly getting there, but it’s gonna take a while. Until then gecko engine is OK for now. It’s all opensource so we know when that’s no longer the case.