Not a bad list, one thing I would say though, for self hosting, vaultwarden is a far more ideal server than bitwarden (same clients work, but faster and all features are unlocked).
BEVs need to park for a while to get a substantial charge, not even full one. The fast chargers get Teslas to 80% in something like thirty minutes
That's why my point was "truck stop level gas station". IE those huge gas stations off the highway, several in most cities... huge lots, and most importantly have at least one, sometimes a few restaurants inside. IE they are already designed as a good place for truckers to take a half hour to an hour to, re-organize themselves for a long trip. Not a totally unreasonable process for a road tripping family etc... to hit every 3-4 hours that an EV can drive.
I can't fully disagree on the potential of renting a car if it's extremely infrequent to make long trips. Public transit would be nice, though gotta say there's a lot of places where that's pretty non-viable. Least from where I live the nearest bus station from me is about 30-45 minutes away by car.
Exactly that's where it should be doubled down... if their own estimates are correct... it's only a 6 month expense. If they really believe they are about to open the key to basically eliminating the cost of millions of workers indefinately, wouldn't throwing thousands of workers to accomplish it faster, lead to cost savings.
Say if I wanted a machine that could make eggs indefinately forever... but to make it I had to put 100 eggs into it. why would I put one egg in a day for 8 months, instead of buying 100 eggs today.
Or, worse, they might actually have to hire enough people to actually do the job. Why hire 100 people with good work life balance, when you can hire 60 people that aren't allowed to have lives or families.
To answer your question: no, that is not my suggestion.
I mean so what is the suggestion? The post I was responding to made it sound like you were saying you shouldn't use EV's outside of short trips near home. Which begs the question what should someone who 99% of the time drives near home, but once a year needs to visit their family for christmas 2 states away.
To me I'm wondering how complex are the chargers... we already have gas stations all over the place. To me it wouldn't seem super inplausible for say fast chargers that are, reasonably easy to add to say the typical truck stop level gas station. Of which, they'd start with just adding one or 2... as EV's become more common add more. Would be slowly working towards future proofing the consumer gas side (To my knowledge EV Trucks aren't in the near future, but every truck stop I've been to has also had a huge regular car side)
To which I have to say... good on them for using AI porn in the least bad way? (IE realistic fictional characters instead of real people that did not consent to the depictions being made of them).
I'd second this... IMO it's probably good for the students to moderately hear about... but it just takes one curious student to ask follow up questions, and one super conservative triggered parent to blow everything sky high, and tank your career. So IMO... probably not, unless you are looking to get out of teaching and want to do some good on the way out.
So your suggestion is basically families should own an EV just for getting around home.. and a gas guzzler for long distance travel? IMO the ideal should be a slow phase out of the gas cars.
Or you know... instead of needing super heavy batteries... they could have smaller batteries... if charging stations become common enough that people can relatively easily find places to stop and charge on long trips.
Just get rid of the charging stations. It’s ridiculous that EV owners should expect to charge their cars anywhere but at home or at work
why the hell is that ridiculous? People do go places other than home and work. People take road trips and vacations. Electric cars are a good thing, just because one particular brand is owned by a narcisist ruining the country.
I'm sure some are... but I would say certainly seems to be a much larger percentage that prioritize their hatred of trans... and don't seem to do a lot of actual reach in protecting women.
Big thing is the terf label or stereotype is generally assumed to try to make it look like you are fighting for a group, rather than fighting against. Lets say hypothetically I'm claiming to be super in favor of protecting birds, and say that I hate wind farms because they kill birds
If you never once hear me talk about house cats, or poachers, or any of 500 other things that can kill birds, you'll pretty quickly catch on that I'm not actually pro-bird. Especially if I start reposting statistics about wind farms that have already been debunked etc...
In short... no, Lemmy developers believe the karma mechanics on reddit incentivize bad behavior. (IE making bots or even just yourself re-creating past succesful posts) or just posting the obvious ideas that one assumes everyone is going to upvote etc...
damn... there goes my heist plans... was going to wait till AI robots took over the manufacturing lines, then walk in and start stealing product right off the line. I never anticipated all the robots would know kung fu.