Even if they're obsolete there will almost certainly be some way to retrieve your data unless you're expecting to go away for a LONG time- if you went away in the 90s and did this I'm pretty sure it'd be as simple as buying a SATA-IDE adapter.
joined 2 years ago
It's their fifth most recent post, from three days ago. I found it by just looking at the community and searching IQ. It was on page 2 for me.
Also, what do you even mean doxxing them? Nobody said anything about posting their real name and address.
Pete Buttigege
Jesus christ. And when he bombs they'll go, "everyone wanted a younger candidate!"
Firstly, and it’s honestly a minor issue, I think your question will draw more answers if it had a title that at least mentions the crux of the question, that is “what is a western style room/home?”.
I absolutely despise when people do that- it's a pet peeve of mine.
It's entirely possible that the F-35 or F-22 has something like that. Even if it doesn't, it's definitely expecting regular software updates which it wouldn't be getting.
The older jets, like the F-16s they've given to Ukraine, I highly doubt have any kind of kill switch.